Quite a big announcement...

hyperion-records.co.uk/hyper … ust%202008
God has answered my prayers… :doc:

What did Godowsky deserve to merit these tedious, over-pedalled, under-articulated recordings by the son of a Quebecois pharmacist?

leave forever.

looking forward to the fledermaus

Definitely looking forward to this.

You guys have truly exquisite taste…

In beer coasters. :dong:

daim da biatch on da covah cud eat a few mo burgahz

hahaha da Klimt dizz

Just try to be nice. We all love you :smiley:

not me.

at least better than ur avatar… Weissenberg? huh…

over-pedal? how 'bout sound?
what’s wrong with “son of a pharmacist”???
should a great pianist be only son/daughter of a pianist?

kinda funny…

lol who the fuck are you


i vill pick da Weiss ovah da Doc any day ov da week

and zo will da :doc: (direct attention to da Doc’s new release of Weiss Jazz sonata)

tha DOC iz a huge fan of tha WEIZZ in fact

WEIZZ iz alzo a huge fan of WEIZZ :whale:

:rudy: :rudy:

hahahaha. da ROB.

just a passing-by, couldn’t take those “comments” on Godowsky, love piano and traditional school, and don’t use the word “fuck” as you do.

that’s all.

I am sorry, was the language too racy for your taste?
Don’t worry, here is a graphic that will soothe your gentle soul.

I can see that you are definetely on the dark side, and probably some reality causes.

how poor.
any other abilities? anything else could you show ? any lower?

The recent doc hatred is the reason dat dasdc has gone from gensui to sheeyat…