Radio Broadcast, Hamelin, Laplante

Hahaha, well to be fair, he was very polite while expressing these views… but still, I thought he came off a bit creepy.

The interviewer asked him what kind of stuff he listens to, and he named all this freaky electronica-like shit.

Random quote from the interview “I really don’t listen to piano recordings all that often.”

hahah n tiz totally random da majority of :doc: hate come from da Canada.

da :doc: defectah

Volodya, Randomly I don’t think I included the interview.

If you really want it, I probably still have the original on my recorder.

can you please post it? im eager to hear what he has to say, even if it isnt in the greatest taste.

Randomly, I iz a tru canuck who fully appreciates Da DOC.

Hamelin has a taste for the bizarre

Jre could u post the sheets to the Hetu variations?

n Thanks iamcanadian!

da doc just doesn’t want other interps to interfere wif his own conceptual idea.


on da contrary, he could improve his interp by listening to da dong.
