recommend me a brothazon

Slightly non sdc, but a more introspective one with a solid buildup section would be nice. Nothing too flashy a la appasionata or happy a la 2/3

im thinking 10/3 maybe, with the second movement in mind for the above criteria…or maybe op 90 although i dun have the music

anything come to mind?

(and preferably in the first 16 as I only have book 1 right now)

10/3 is an awesome choice for what u stated

i suggest u stick with it

i zuggezt u buy zum ballz n work on da azzpazzion :brotha:

op. 26

2/3 maybe? :whale:

tiz not a happy zheeyat at all when iz tha :brotha: evah happy

da meph just learned da 78. 2nd mwt iz cg :doc:

-da Meph

les adieux but its 26

10/3 definitely seconded.


What about ‘da tempest’? or op.31 no.3 in Eb is a good sonata.

datz no.17 and da TS shamefully doesn’t have da brotha book II.


actually no.16 is quite cg, lots of teasing passages. another great piece to perform imo.

Yeah, Op. 28 was my first and it has just about everything. You’d better have some sick LH separated octaves for that trio though.

Op. 28 is going to be my first complete son, after concert next week

So it is :brotha:
But with all da free music on da net, can’t you access to all of dem anywayz :rectum:

this is true

however I am pretty set on learning an earlier one…Im trying to save the later works of composers for later on in my life, so I dont butcher them now…not that the early stuff deserves my butchering anymore though :smiling_imp:

anyways ive started 10/3…thanks for the suggestions

randomly… I narrowed it down to op 26 and 10/3, and I was also considering op 7 as well which wasnt mentioned, but is a damn cool piece

randomly I’m listening to a decent Volodos live brodah 26. Isn’t op 7 the real long mofo?

its got 4 movs…not that long though…somewhere aroudn 25-30 mins I would guess…it has da wikid allegro section with all tha triplets

Yes, the second-longest beethoven sonata would be considered “long”. I found Op. 7 more problematic than 101. Charles Rosen said he thought it was the second hardest to da HK.

Prove it man, prove it.

da charlez rozhit alzo zaid da accompany part of da Schuber lied erlkonig iz harder dan da Pimp tranzcription

a bit :comme: :comme: :comme:

hahah wtf I thought he said doze octz (in da pimp verz) were the hardezt octz pazzage eva.