requesting any hard-to-find Egon Petri bootlegs you may have

I’m going to visit an acquaintance of mine on Tuesday who is in his 80s and was a piano student of Petri back in the 40s or 50s. He’s a big enthusiast and now quite ill, so I thought it might be nice to burn him some cds of hard-to-find stuff.

thanks gents

Well, as with most pianists from way back, there’s nothing hard to find - everything has been commercially released.

There’s a bunch of stuff on APR, Pearl and Music and Arts.

I have a 4 CD set I posted a while back… I’ll repost, assuming you didn’t DL it.

sure, that sounds awesome, thanks man

I think I have some rare LP rips on my computer of him playing Liszt transcriptions.

that sounds molto sexy. much respect if you could up some of that

Fuck, I totally crapped the bed on this. If it’s not too late, I’ll post tonight.

well i’ll be more than happy to listen to it! i’ll take it the next time i see this guy. he played me some beautiful out of print petri bach transcriptions that he learned from petri in the 40s