Richter Interview about Scriabin … owers.html

Don’t agree with all his comments, but the interview is fascinating overall. Particularly interesting part of the interview:

'Richter: “Do you know where all, all of Scriabin comes from … in one single passage? Guess.”

"He raced to the piano and played the sinister, sickly-sweet, singing middle-section tune of Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz. Yes, I thought, it was Liszt who first put the devil in music.

“Hear how it’s all there”, Richter sang, “the indefinitely held suspensions of ninths and elevenths, the building of chords not in thirds but in fourths and fifths [the opening]…”

And Richter smiled as if he had just synthesized a diamond of musical knowledge.’

Hehe, well I can’t really argue with that. Liszt was definitely an innovator.

I guess he must have changed his mind about all scriabin programmes. Thanks for posting!

interesting read, thanks!

“I adore Scriabin, and hate Scriabinists.”
good sentece!

its actually a pretty fatuous remark when you think about it…but funny anyways.