Not my type at all
Jazz is wack
I appreciate the psyop tho
gosh thank goodness I’m gay.
His parents must be so disappointed…
he’s republican.
Disappointed he still believes in separate political parties lol
All CIA psyops
I’m going to invest in whatever this boss level grifter cooks up do undo democracy tho. NGL!
I’m not buying stocks again
No way.
Hmmmm this seems fine
I sitll haven’t found anything good aside from palantir and likely won’t make a move until we get into full blown trade wars. When I was looking at global supply chains there were a number of companies who would basically wash country of origin concerns by staging in a friendly locale and do “assembly” etc. Most of those are private companies tho…
Tariffs would have to be high enough to make the double logistics and import costs palatable though. Also no good for raw materials etc.
I’m gonna invest my money in da Poony and Tractor Patroon
Awwww. Do you wanna fuck me?
Poor choice of words, and, no.
Perfect. Prepare to get raped.
Sounds like Patreon. Basically.
Wood u like to sign up to mine? Lowest tier is only $5