Schubert-Liszt - Winterreise

Can anybody recommend a recording of Liszt’s transcription of (excerpts from) Winterreise? I should be very grateful.

Incidentally, which Schubert-Liszt transcriptions do you guys regard most highly?

What’s the program you have in mind?

favorite Liszt song transcription of all : Erlkonig

some other ones:

  • Aufenthalt
  • Liebesbotschaft
  • Serenade (Schwan) (but with Rachmaninoff’s very clever changes)
  • Litanei (Geistlische lieder)
  • Doppelganger
  • Muller und der Bach
  • Gretchen am spinnrade

also love

Godowsky: Moment Musical transcription, Gute Nacht, Mogengruss

hahahah tha one that ztartz wit “Auf…zumthin zumthin” pozz mah fav :whale:

Die Stadt…

I lyk da volodoz recordin ov aufenthalt

Antti Siirala makes a good case for some rarer Schubert/Liszt (e.g. Lindenbaum). Volodos’ rendition of Liebesbotschaft is very well-thought too.

Godowsky’s version of Gute Nacht is on the same CD, and the way Siirala does the mode change from minor to major is chilling and yet enchanting.

Oh man. Godowsky’s own two recordings of his transcriptions are sublime. Check out Hofmann’s (wonderful) recording of the moment musical.

Volodos’ performances of the Schubert are beautiful. Hofmann (several) and Richter for Erlkonig. There are a few great schub-liszt
by Ginzburg if I recall.

Sofronitsky has also recorded some beautiful Schubert - Liszt: Frühlingsglaube, Auf dem Wasser zu singen, Erlkönig, and others

I adore Liszt’s schubert song transcriptions; they’re so beautiful and convinced me that Liszt is the greatest transcriber.

my fav schubert-liszt: Das Wandern, Wohin?, Standchen, Liebesbotschaft, der Muller und der Bach.

Most of these are from die shone mullerin (which I actually prefer to Winterreise, though I love both).

For recordings you can’t go from with Ginzburg in the first 3 I listed. Rachmaninoff is also good though a bit loud for my taste. For Liebesbotschaft there is only one recording imo and that is Horowitz; everyone else is too fast.

Liszt’s transcribing of Scubert is completely a different tack from Godowsky’s; personally I think there are some weaker transcriptions…the early Die Forelle for example, anyone?

I wish there were more recordings of the rarer Schubert/Liszt though, as of the Godowsky transcriptions.