Schumann Kreis

From Jailyard concert, 2003:



you is a great pianist.

and I am very jealous of your thirds :smiley:

Sorry about that; re-upload:


da 7th mov takes ballz to play imo.


And so typical schizo schumann to have that wonderful chorale right after all that insanity.


i lyk yo playin


da kreiz is actually one of Schumann most exquisite works. i remembah he spent only 3 dayz composing it.

hahahahaha…a bit legendary.



tru tru


This is great playing. Havent heard to many recs of this piece to give any more details.

-da Meph

Gotta love him for his quirks. :smiley:

RESPEC! My favorite Schumann piece. I also enjoyed reading your essay bout diz piece a while ago. I might tackle this, Davidbundlertanze, or his Fantasy in C this year. Which one iz harder?

Schumann’s mood swings sometimes give me the shits but I suppose that’s part of his style. I was reading through the Arabeske today, love that piece but part of the middle section sounds like he is ripping off ‘the poet speaks’ from kinderzenen.

I’d say they’re all about the same difficulty level (tough to choose between those three masterpieces, I’m reminded of the line in Amadeus when he’s trying on wigs: “why don’t I have three heads!?!”)


I just heard Natalya Antonova played this at a recital 2 hrs ago.

Fell azleep during Movts 4 and 6, like she predikted.

Funky last movt tho.

I remember Antonova since I was a kid in Russia,she still looks pretty hot,doen`t she?