Scrib 5

Special thanks to iamcandian (and Vlad) for the sound effects … 10ZCEXV8ZS


You made some pretty interesting textual changes, I think playing the C# an octave lower at the end of the first accarezzevole was really effective.

At the end, before the presto though, what happened to the second repeat of the part with the repeated 7ths? Your playing is certainly orgasmic at parts, but some of this sounds like you’re having a pretty bad day.

By the way, what edition do you use for the Scriabin Sonatas? The Dover is kinda unreliable at times.




RESPEC!!! :stop:

:rectum: :rock:

hahahah man tiz pozzibly da moz FURIOUZ FINAL CUMSHOT :brotha:

You MUZT play Prok 7.

:open_mouth: SHHHIIIITTTEEE :open_mouth:

tis all :smiling_imp:

seriouzly tha :ho: wud be proud
