SD nick assdignment thread - da CIGAR

Who shud henceforth be referred to as da CIGAR?

  • Gilels (da ROB)
  • Schnabel (subwoofah)

0 voters


ahahah wtf

da CIGAH iz juz da official name fo da cuda.

da otha mofo in yo poll iz da ZHRAPNEL

get up to date :lib:

:shrimp: :stop: :gav:


I don’t get why Gilels would be named Cigar

Yeah, I felt a bit stupid for not being able to figure out who tha fuck CIGAR was for past 2 yrz.

hahahahah clearly he zhud not be namd CIGAR it juz came from a typo

which wuz then authorizd by tha MART himzelf wiz zepp n comme az witnezz 8)

Off tha top of mah head random rob cuntributionz haff been (zum only uzd by me ztill n no one nkowz whut iz talkin about

Stravinsky = VIN DIEZEL a.k.a tha DIEZEL a.k.a SHAQ

Petrouchka = Ruzzian Petah

La Semmaine Grasse = tha Outdoorz Maztahbation

Balakirev Islamey = Chink Fantasy a.k.a Ching Chang Chong Fant

Godowsky - Passacaglia = Pazz-a-drag-of-tha-shwag-lia (latah revized to tha lezz ghey “Puff Puff Pazzacaglia”)

Messiaen Vingt Regards = Mezz peep tha boy jezuz 20 tymz (latah revized to tha now definitiv “Vingt Zheeyatz”

It is what it is = iiwii

also usng “zheeyat” az almozt every word in a zentence, altho thiz iz mo lykly a :comme: influenza

hahahah pozz mo

hahaha iz da AIRRAID a rob zheeyat?

hahaha da rob namez fo piecez a bit long :stop:
pozz we zhud uze acronymz
lyk :

fuckkk da AIRRAID playz a wikid MPTBJ20T!



i remembah da zepp once dizzed a mart/rob cuntribution due to

random zkepto endorzement 8)

tiz thread just incomprehenzive.


agaaggaga TRU tha AIR RAID how cud i forgit thiz recent clazzic

giles shud be da cuda. schnabel da cigar.

thread over.
