Should explicit materials(porn stuff) be allowed?

da poll iz MISLEADING

da title askz should pron be allowed?

to which :comme: will say yes

but the poll itself askz should prn be banned

to which :comme: should say no

diz misleading esp. to speedy SDCers who don’t read carefully enough before they vote

so diz result iz faulty

Whenever I post something for someone, or they for me, I always read their profiles, just out of courtesy.

nice to know someone actually reads them 8)


Da poll is faulty and therefore meaningless.

But there is no inherent meaning in anything in this world, including polls and porn.

taking away porn is taking away constitutional rights;
then again, not everyone here lives in america.

ahahahahah tru



I think all sdc avz iz a bit scary
especially mine 8)

porn iz a limitatin factah fo da sdc cuz naturally no membah evah showed diz site to a friend, especially a chick

but on da othah hand tiz a bit da philosophy of da sdc
sdc iz ontologically a bit lyk ur wank stash… 8)

u never know, man. there might be some visitors who wanna join da SDC, but seeing porn stuff makes them leave and never return. well, if u dont really care about quality, it’s alright.

Only if you film yourself in da process :wink:

hahahah TRU

n da :comme: iz da only one who sharez hiz 8)

da cunt demonztratez unpredicktable proficiency in CG :g::g::g::g::g:

I have very precize dataz, based on 6 monthz of statiztic monitoring n analysis from

firzt, 90% of da guezt uzah hu cumma in da sdc home quit az soon az dey c da lingo.
shud we give up da mofo langage ?
naturally not cuz da lingo iz da identity of da sdc n da primary non-mofo filter

da 10% of remainin gueztz (da potential mofoz) actually browze lots of topicz but 9% quit when dey c da avatarz ezpecially da skepto one thinkin diz place iz a random ghey fezt, da chix quit when dey c da othah avz
finally 1% regizter

we can say dat da avz/porn iz a secondary filter but da queztion iz
ain’t we puttin da bar too high ? 8)

yeah right, the bar iz too high, just look at trumofo n speed demon.
lets lower it


Humor and clarity from da South American.

i agreee, lets not ban porn but limit it.

haha “deteriorate dis forum”

dis iz da SDC. dere iz nuthin we can evah do to make it classy.

and for u to do da pussy

here’s my final deal. haha, fuck. sounds like im negotiating with some kinda biz.

porn stuff should only be allowed in “da chill house” & “wud you hit it?” section (I still wonder why the latter section is still existed). It really makes no sense showing explicit materials in the rec section or related sections. My whole point is just to narrow porn stuff down to one particular section. don’t make it wide spread because it just looks bad in every aspect. This way of doing is just to enhance the quality of da SDC in general. that’s all.