whut about a new section called “Bolivah Allmonz Personal Wank Stash”
n all porn should be directd ther
whut about a new section called “Bolivah Allmonz Personal Wank Stash”
n all porn should be directd ther
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA wut a legendary idea
I wonder if you can imagine that your violent avatar may be 1,000,000 times more obscene than a cute little fox with a hard on.
here’s my final deal. haha, fuck. sounds lyk im negotiating with some kinda biz.
porn stuff should only be allowed in “da chill house” & “wud you hit it?” section (I still wonder why da latter section iz still existed). It really makes no sense showing explicit materials in da rec section or related sections. My whole point iz just to narrow porn stuff down to one particular section. don’t make it wide spread because it just looks bad in every aspect. dis way of doing iz just to enhance da quality of da SDC in general. dat’s all.
I wonder if you can imagine dat your violent avatar may be 1,000,000 times more obscene dan a cute little fox with a hard on.
no YOU’RE mazz debatable!
here’s my final deal. haha, fuck. sounds lyk im negotiating with some kinda biz.
porn stuff should only be allowed in “da chill house” & “wud you hit it?” section (I still wonder why da latter section iz still existed). It really makes no sense showing explicit materials in da rec section or related sections. My whole point iz just to narrow porn stuff down to one particular section. don’t make it wide spread because it just looks bad in every aspect. dis way of doing iz just to enhance da quality of da SDC in general. dat’s all.
I wonder if you can imagine dat your violent avatar may be 1,000,000 times more obscene dan a cute little fox with a hard on.
Iz the English language not your native tongue?
No, it is not debatable whether or not “I wonder”.
damn, jeremy. for bein 25, you sure are anal about obscenities. all of the 25 year olds i know embrace it to some extent.
I absolutely do not embrace violence.
well, i respect personal opinion. whatever floats your boat.
hahaha sum mofoz only know violence. They were raized in violent environmentz; in T dot thiz summer mofoz were killed wit gunz on the regular.
tiz a reality
hahaha, diz happens everyday in deze mean streetz of los angeles that i live in.
hahah tha westside
da kritty has an amazing avatar, jeremy. it aint that violent either.
randomly: how do you change the text above your avatar?
da kritty has an amazing avatar, jeremy. it aint dat violent either.
randomly: how do you change da text above your avatar?
ashamed of yo peniz?
above my avatar: yes
how do you change da text?
porn iz a limitatin factah fo da sdc cuz naturally no membah evah showed diz site to a friend, especially a chick
but on da othah hand tiz a bit da philosophy of da sdc
sdc iz ontologically a bit lyk ur wank stash…u never know, man. dere might be some visitors who wanna join da SDC, but seeing porn stuff makes dem leave n never return. well, if u dont really care about quality, it’s alright.
I have very precize dataz, based on 6 monthz of statiztic monitoring n analysis from dasdc.net
firzt, 90% of da guezt uzah hu cumma in da sdc home quit az soon az dey c da lingo.
shud we give up da mofo langage ?
naturally not cuz da lingo iz da identity of da sdc n da primary non-mofo filterda 10% of remainin gueztz (da potential mofoz) actually browze lots of topicz but 9% quit when dey c da avatarz ezpecially da skepto one thinkin diz place iz a random ghey fezt, da chix quit when dey c da othah avz
finally 1% regizterwe can say dat da avz/porn iz a secondary filter but da queztion iz
ain’t we puttin da bar too high ?
So, what you’re saying is, we should pretend to be something that we are not, in order to attract people we wouldn’t want to hang out with anyway.
da price to pay to get chix
i randomly read da sdc on my work, so some porn avatars are quite disturbing
or course i can block all the images from dasdc.net…but it block ALL buttons etc
porn iz a limitatin factah fo da sdc cuz naturally no membah evah showed diz site to a friend, especially a chick
but on da othah hand tiz a bit da philosophy of da sdc
sdc iz ontologically a bit lyk ur wank stash…u never know, man. dere might be some visitors who wanna join da SDC, but seeing porn stuff makes dem leave n never return. well, if u dont really care about quality, it’s alright.
I have very precize dataz, based on 6 monthz of statiztic monitoring n analysis from dasdc.net
firzt, 90% of da guezt uzah hu cumma in da sdc home quit az soon az dey c da lingo.
shud we give up da mofo langage ?
naturally not cuz da lingo iz da identity of da sdc n da primary non-mofo filterda 10% of remainin gueztz (da potential mofoz) actually browze lots of topicz but 9% quit when dey c da avatarz ezpecially da skepto one thinkin diz place iz a random ghey fezt, da chix quit when dey c da othah avz
finally 1% regizterwe can say dat da avz/porn iz a secondary filter but da queztion iz
ain’t we puttin da bar too high ?So, what you’re saying iz, we should pretend to be something dat we are not, in order to attract people we wouldn’t want to hang out with anyway.
lol jeremy tries to whip out logic/philosophy/freethinking but den only latah realizes dis iz da SDC.
znuggles jeremy n gives him lollipop fo A+ effort