Should SDC expand more?

expand girth?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

Diz quite important question.

Do you want to sum wide campaigning to get more membahz to sdc?

more interesting, more poztz, faster updatez, pozzibly more legendary memberz, more contribution, more fame\

less personal, possible spammers and more trumofos, lose exclusibity, too many posts to keep track, leechers

Yes. :comme:

my preference is fo small and tight :smiling_imp:

we dun want to be lyk gff (i.e. looser den milfs mother. :laughing: …sorry milf jk)…i value da exclusivity of dis forum as da #1 attribute…leads to a tighter community

we dont want it to be too tight in SOME AREAS

hahahahhhhahhhahahahh da brothel criziz

hahaha dis is very tru

too tight can lead to restriction of penetration

(haha dese metaphors work too well) :smiling_imp:

or increased pleasure for othaz. :confused:

nice manipulation of words

haha iz dat on da receiving or da giving side?


zum insane analogy created here

waka doo, waka doo, waka doo, wadawadawadawada DOO-ooo!

looks like someone is already experiencing pleasure

tight anuz iz fo small dickz.
big dickz can handle anythin

yes because right now we are not too loose, and not too tight…we izzz just right

hail da conservatism

hahaha man, i vote fo expanzion

but due to ma original plan fo expanzion, it appearz otha mofoz haf taken ova n i iz lezz rezpecd

but az a tru leadah, i want wutz bezt fo ma ppl :whale:

da SDC has quite an impact on da 88ztreet. i guess many new mofoz from da SDC are originally from da 88ztreet.

Randomly should be expanded to include da following people:
Alex Malow, Maria Elena Hartung, Che Fry, Bjorn Ostlund, and Yu Koseki

tiz tru

  • 8)


da thing about expanzion iz there alwayz be a tight community, dere will just be gagglez of noobz in addition to keep the forum mo alive.

expanzion is not necessary, but diz not harmful eithah.

hahahahahahah wtf… :laughing:

y da fuck am i not a part of da secret brpthel??? seriously…