should we ban animal porn on da sdc?

sick of da gay cartoony squirrel/kitties cock pussy sheeyat?

  • tru
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cartoon depictionz senzationalize diz sheeyat. i say we only allow photographz 8)

when i went here, it asked me for a password to or sumthin
and the pic dont work


also, please don’t ban it. i dont post it hardly at all n it’z just fo CG.

eh, even though it’s kinda gross, don’t ban it…but, I don’t want people postin’ them in my topics


i thought she was holding one of the horse’s legs for a second. daim, huge cock.

mah uncle once told me u shud never throw a bucket of cold water on 2 dogs making luv, cuz da animlas penizes normally inflate like umbrellas on the females cunt, and pulling it off too fast can hurt their willy


tis tru. during mating and after knot penetration, da knot of da dog swells inside da bitch it iz breeding during insimination. forcing it to come out before it haz deflated can cause damage to da Baculum (bone in da penis) or da hymen of da bitch.

concurrd. i too know mah share of da animal sexualitee :laughing:

also kevin, dey aint squirrels. dey raccoons.

n while i dont haff any koalas (i am sure i could find some pretty quick tho) i haff plenty of kangaroos n dingos if u vant something a little less exotic to urself.

and here they are:

and now the dizcussion haz turnd yiffy

u seem to know a bit too much terminology to be innocent :lib:

hahahahahaha caught me
btw, i nevah said i wuz innocent

tis odd.

dere are 5 furries (no i vil not name dem) on dis forum of only a few hundred membaz. pozzibly da community iz stronger dan i even pretend it iz to make mahself feel bettah fo bein so sick in da head :lib:

Furries don’t believe in shaved balls?

thats why dey iz called “furries”