Soler R.88 encore

For your shred pleasure, enjoy

Currently fundraising to do a studio album with this stuff, Scarlatti, and Boulez… Will be razor clean :sunglasses:


Bro…. REZPEK for being in goodass shape!

That was colorful as fuck.
I cuntributed a modest amount to da album fundraiser. Rezpek.

man you are a legend!! Thanks for that!

You’ll enjoy the disc - Instead of the normal
-some Scarlatti sons
-some Soler sons
-a clump of Boulez

I’m weaving the pieces back and forth, like
-3 scarlattis
-2 miniatures by boulez
-a soler sonata
-1 boulez
-2 scarlattis

like this… makes a really interesting flow… you’ll dig it!!

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I played a ton of Scarlatti and Soler at a short California tour early this year (different sonatas than for this disc by and large) and was shocked at how tricky it is to keep 12 short (3-4 min) pieces in your hands versus one or two longer works… the brevity of the forms makes it much more of a challenge, at least to me

not to mention my giant hands make all the small technique in these works much harder than scrib for example hahaha

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Yeah sum of those baroque techs pretty insane plus super easy to mess up cuz it’s exposed

Hope you include at least one well-known overplayed Scarlatti tho

don’t worry, I’ve got K.513, K.175, and this one also on the list… not crazy overplayed but certainly played


K175 is wikid as fuck

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Btw the engineering quality of those live recs already top notch

Thanks man, I got lucky that at one of the concerts I had a really good video and sound engineering team… At others I am often at the whim of a portable recorder which I bring around (this recording was originally of a pretty low quality, but I amateur fucked around with it for a while to try to get it listenable)

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oops, I am talking about the Soler!
The Scarlatti was done by the pro team, got lucky

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Great playing!

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