Diz topic iz made so dat we - da membahs of dasdc -can feel superior to otah people. Anyway:
We had history class and had just learned about da 2nd WW da week befoh. And so da teacher asked if we could just name some countries in europe. Every person in da class could of course name one. But suddenly without prepering the rest of da class for such a statement an inzanely stupid and ugly girl named Siv answered: AMERICA!
IZ AMERICA(a continent) a country in EUROPE?. OMG???
Iz it really pozzibly do be so stupid dat u belive dat america is a fuckin countryi europe. She probably ment the USA anyway, but still!!!how could dat person who had just learned about WW2 and about how colombus discovered american belive da america was a country in europe. I mean, come on.
Hahaha good one, Meph. i have a similar anecdote from history class. We were learning about Vietnam War, and came to a discussion of the impact on the Vietnamese people. someone mentioned the use of agent orange. So this guy named Michael asked: “Who’s Agent Orange?”
Everyone laughed at him…but it’s IB history, so y’know…we’re dweebs.
teacha " blah blah blah. undahground railroad… blabah runaway slaves"
biznatch: “Wait, can u see da ruinz?”
teacha " what?"
biznatch: “da undahground railroad, can u see da ruinz?”
teacha “uhh, u see, da undahground railroad iznt actually a whole railroad built undahground by a few abolitioniszt when da huge railroad business even had trouble buildin diz shit outside”
biznatch: “o ic”