sum random liszt story … ic=10774.0

quite legendary, i’ve heard sum shorter version of dis

maybe u haff seen dis be4, so what, i don’t give a shit 8)


da obviouz queztion iz:

at precizely WUT speed did he play diz

if da sheeeyat about da chopz fucked up metronme iz tru, den da REV wud haff a met mark of around 7npz. n dat speed iz indeed pozzible wiz endurance octz 8)

i think i read it once in some hyperion sleeve note

If da chops metronome wuz fucked up den all da etudes wud sound liek shit n be awfully slow but i think he just screwed up da bpm on da first etude.

hahahaha, one wondaz, if diz shud be done

when da RH aint playin, shud it join da LH to do alt sheeyat to help wit endurance n keep up da speed?

diz iz pozzible

i belive so

One thing mah bad self dun understand about this sheeyat iz dat playing da Rev left hand in octaves haz to be much moh difficult da to play da 25.2 in octaves. When it is moh difficult to play octaves in da left hand dan to play octaves in da right. And da pattern in da 25.2 iz easier dan da 10.12.
Oh iz it?
Pleas explain?

-da Meph

da time u realize da oppozite iz tru, iz da time u reach a nu level of peniztic enlightenment 8)

from wut i haff heard da liszt sightread da 25/2 wit da octaves

