[Tchaik comp] day 2

cummah now :rectum:

any legend today?

hahahaha izn’t diz

da GEORGE ZAND? :zepp:

hahaha I wudn’t :rectum:

10.00 â„– 11 Kozlova Olga Russia
10.45 â„– 12 Nadzhafova Dinara Russia
11.30 â„– 13 Chen John New Zeland
12.15 – 12.45 – Break
12.45 â„– 14 Kolesnikov Pavel Russia
13.30 â„– 15 Mazo Maria Russia

17.00 â„– 16 Yamamoto Akiko Japan
17.45 â„– 17 Lubyantsev Alexander Russia
18.30 – 19.00 – Break
19.00 â„– 18 Hwang Sunghoon South Korea
19.45 â„– 19 Lee Jung-Eun South Korea

hahaha da MOJO at 17.00 iz a legend

:god: should close his mouth, omg omg

haha da zeppbro cummah

hahaha diz mofo. haven’t seen him since Sydney. He went (goes?) to da zepps uni

hahaah I juz noticed “Maria mazo” Russia. When she plays anywhere else it’s Maria Mazo Germany/Russia. Oh and Alexander Lubyantsev, he was also in the finals at the Sydney comp.

John Chen was pretty solid. I didn’t hear what the jury said after the Brahms Rhap.

mildly wikid

da MAZO iz playing
her AZZPAZZION iz quite wikid
and zhe haz a nize body :comme:

Haha she got some lousy applause tho

keep yo handz off diz mofette :ho:

ahahahhaha daim…want her email?

yez :lib:

she won sum beethoven comp once. Damn seemz like da random break between sezzionz and I iz pozz going to sleep. I vill haff to sum kind mofo to upload sum sheeyat.

Just randomly da DAP method of capping izn’t working for me. It used to be dat you juz add da mms link and it capz da hactual sheeyat (diz wat I used during da clit). But now it izn’t doing sheeyat. wtf?

i iz juzz gettin da worzt rach2 evah :comme: juzz wtf???