tru tiz about a mofo who iz making it big az an actor n hiz 3 bezt friendz becum hiz entourage n they juz go around n fuck n party a lot n buy carz n juz do sheeyat lyk that…tiz zuppozedly bazed on tha Mark Wahlbrg life or zum sheeyat
hahaha I watched da 4 firzt epz n I iz not sho if I vil dl da othah sheeyatz, da script fo all da epz iz indeed 4 mofoz hu go around n fuck n party but zadly a bit weak, not quite NA xanga level fo eg
I’d zay da 30 minz format iz a bit too long fo diz but tiz pozzibly cuz I didn’t watch in gud conditionz (not drunk)
tiz pozzibly a bit weak due to tha lack of plot, but tiz alzo juz lyk porno in a way and when u juz watch it n ur lyk “ahahah daIM!” hahahahah FUCK no way! hahaha sheeyat he juz wen n done did that? FUCK tha jezzica alba! sheeyat tha girth of tha rollz phantom! ahaha tha MT double notez "
hahaha tru it remindz me of zum rap clip where u c da mofoz wiz da $$$ n carz n sheeyat n all da hot biatchez around, tiz wikid indeed but da 3 minz rap clip format pozzibly fitz bettah when u iz not drunk
tho da BRO in da show iz a bit legendary I vil pozzibly dl mo fo diz legend