we need a banner

to put on the top of the forum
you graphic-artist mofos photoshop one and put it up
must be in .jpg or .gif

Hahah, I concur wif dat.

Too bad da chair is too sl*w and lazy and he has no skillz wif da php. 8)

hahaha this has nothing to do with php but anyway…


Da lil commie iz a snail mofo.


lol, 5mins in paintshop…

k we’ll use that one for now

dat 1 is shit use dees:


valar, u fuckin mofo

i still think u iz a fuckin shithead 8)

fo trashin horowitz?
ya, but i think his rach3 and sonata2 is respec commendin and so r his transcriptions

hahahahaha, u fuckah

letz make a topic to discuzz dis sheeyat

hells ya

i still think u iz a bit of a dick

i still think u iz a bit of a dick

how about just a the simple, but powerful

JOHN 3:16


Me iz in da process of designing it.

give me time 'n u peepz will be stunt due to me’s creativity.

hahaha RESPEC
