What was your favourite 2017 release?

Let’s go with:

a) Favourite album released in 2017 (Can be a historical performance as long as it was released for the first time this year), and

b) Favourite 2017 recital (including bootlegs/radio broadcasts)

I’m going to give it some thought and reply later.

I didn’t attend a single recital in 2017.
Went to the met Opera a few times tho.

As for the best historical release of the year, by far, the Richter 1951-1965 Moscow conservatory box set:
mosconsv.ru/upload/images/So … D_prog.pdf

My favourite commercial release this year: Yury Favorin - Russian Album

And my favourite bootleg/broadcast: Brew’s two Debargue Live in Paris recs.

My favorite recital is definitely Mademoiselle de la S live in Greenland. Partly since it was so unexpected, but also - new pianist on the map all of a sudden who can play Bach and deliver in the deeper realms of the repertoire. Amazing!

Chris’ choice is definitely an honorable one too. I thought Debargue’s first recital was excellent and the second outstanding. I think my favorite Brewtleg shall have to be Freire this spring however. Recorded on me birthday , and in all honesty it’s the first Freire recital I hear which really interests me. I’ve always liked his playing, but he hasn’t struck me as a particularly fascinating artist and I’ve never felt an urge to return to what I’ve heard with him. The entire first half here was magical however, and how can you not be impressed when the majority of it is the Brahms-3 which I’ve never liked earlier?

Favorite release, is where things get tricky… I guess Mikhail has a point with Richter, but there wasn’t much new in there. What I’m hoping will be my favorite one is Debargue’s Schubert/Szym since I loved the recital, but I still haven’t found time for it. Favorite commercial acquisition of the year however might very well be Bozhanov/Warsaw. Finally something new from the time when he really played well, even though I know I’m just about the only one here who thought so. :dong:

Favourite album – of the few I’ve heard, definitely Debargue playing Schubert & Szymanowski.

Favourite recital – Pletnev playing Rachmaninoff, or Pletnev playing Saint-Saens PC 2.

Favourite encounter overall – I don’t know, maybe just hearing Serebryakov playing live (recording), or the Berezovsky Night Wind

And can I just add that my favourite internet experience of 2017 was finding all you folks on this sick forum

I think for me it’s probably Debargue’s Schubert/Szymanowsk disc as well.
Favourite of my recordings would be either Grosvenor and Sudbin.
I really do like that Greenland recording of LdlS as well.
Best in hall experience (tough because there were so many) would probably be hearing Netrebko sing Tatyana in May.

Zum chalky azz niggaz around here Tru.

However my favorite live one was that sheeyat koji posted on Facebook for national ballet day

Pure koji, just so wikid :wood:

Incidentally… is it favourite or favorite? I’ve always written favourite earlier, but my home computer - through which I nearly always write here - has begun correcting it to favorite and I’ve given up resisting it.

favorite is the American variant.
I’d never spell it like that, always favourite.

So in Oz and Can you follow British English? Also colour etc?

Not sure about Canada but definitely all the other Commonwealth countries.
In Oz we sort of cherry pick, for example most Australians spell programme as program (I’m an exception obviously) and I’d never spell jail as gaol.

Cool. Now back to topic.

That traitorous bastard of a machine must have its spellcheck settings on US (pidgin) English. I grew up in Canada for about 6 years and they spell like the rest of the sensible world: favour, flavour, savour, colour, odour. It’s certainly easier without the ‘u’ though.


There has to be a global language setting somewhere. I’ll look in to it over Christmas.

Release: I was waiting all year long for the Gieseking Meloclassic box but it’s still not for sale :cry:
Best concert experience was probably Shishkin with Pletnev as conductor playing a Hummel Piano Concerto

Didn’t attend a single recital.

Favorite Commercial Release: Tie between the Debargue and Volodos recordings

Favorite commercial: Volodos Brahms

Favorite concerts: Sokolov in Budapest (Mozart/Beethoven program), Argerich in Ljubljana (Shostakovich 1st, Saint-Saens Carnival)

The Volodos Brahms here too! But oddly only in headphones. Lots of amazing subtle things there that just come off as nice color on my stereo.

Hamelin recital in September. Ate his Wheaties or something that day. A little less concentrated in the Carnegie bootleg that turned up of the program later.

My biggest disappointment of the year was that the Volodos all Brahms recital I was supposed to see (from pole position!) was cancelled.
Hamelin seems to get invited for concerti here quite a bit, but not sure that he’s played a recital in a while.
I really wanna see him, particularly if he’s programming Feinberg.

Yeah, think he’s bringing in the 3rd Sonata this season. I’d really like to see that piece come together live.