WIKID album cover artwork

The mofo looks the happiest at the prospect.

When I saw this first thing I thought is what are these white people up to?

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Looks like a cult yeah

You’ve been brainwashed by the DEI/Woke mob!

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Just what a white devil would say! lol

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No no, we’re albino moors

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Phew! Assalamu Alaykum

lighthouse really drive home this subliminal psy op


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What a cg cover

lol da secret depussy

Backstage peephole in da :lola: dressing room attracts all kinds of pervert

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And then they see more than what they bargained for

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Assy Airs?


Why do da whiteys all look terrified? :rectum:


The next Grammy winners?

Not an album cover but it should be.


Something something Nazi furry


I feel like replacement theory wouldn’t be so scary for people if white people had bigger dongs. Dunno tho, maybe packing tiny heat was in fashion until recently. There is an ivy league doctoral thesis in there somewhere.


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