WIKID album cover artwork

brother :tm:

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(post deleted by author)

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That’s what happens when you see Foxy’s tits


Pretty sure da fatty used to work for this guy

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Bro def put a shot of his trimmed pubes in there.

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courtesy of pentapoon

Surname sounds :armenia:

shameless peekaboo ear kink

Who tells them that these poses are a good idea? When I see albums that have these inane poses, I immediately know that the playing is going to be bland.

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Nareh likes big trunks

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I think the marketing logic is… make the cover a bit wtf

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Another budget :lola: cums fo da FEZTIN’s rep

  1. Chanson bohémienne de Piotr Petrovitch Boulakhov, S.250:2
  2. Soirées de Vienne (Valses-caprices d’après François Schubert), S. 427
  3. 12 Lieder von Franz Schubert, S. 558: No. 8, Gretchen am Spinnrade
  4. Liebeslied (Widmung von Robert Schumann), S. 566
  5. Valse de l’Opéra “Faust” de Charles Gounod, S. 407
  6. Le rossignol (Air russe de A. Alyabyev), S. 250:1
  7. Paraphrase de concert sur “Rigoletto” de Verdi, S. 434
  8. Isoldens Liebestod (Schlußszene aus Richard Wagners Tristan und Isolde), S. 447

Pretty good rep selections but imo in 2024 Liszt rep should be 50/50 standard/obscure


Looks like a budget younger Tractormilf (white people look the same)

Pozz a bit overdressed.


Would have to see the butt before i listen.




Is ok. I’ll def steal this.

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