Wassup Demonz?

Ahz been gone ah-lawdy long tahmz! No good reasonz other then usual shit like life, work, and bein’ in prizon. Ha, kidding 'bout d’big house!

Dis place izza ghost town! Almos’ fo’ fuckin’ yearz an’ m’last big post (on legato tirds) iz still, IZ FUCKIN’ STILL on the firs’ page? Ahl y’allz m’fave mutha-fuckaz, zo, what da fuq?

Ahlright, ah’m lookin’ agin’ t’ make contribz when I canz. Props all 'round wit spechel propz to The Great One!

Here’s an edition by one of his greatest students, Hans von Bulow
Auserlesene Klavier-Etuden von Fr. Chopin [aus op10 und op25]
published by J. Aibl in 1880

neat, although I think you mean one of Liszt’s greatest students.

Okayz, I c’n see dat paragraph mighta been a bit ambiguouz. No zhit, of course I meanz one of Liszt’s greatest students.

…an’ da fuq? No one talkin’ wit’ da Speed Demon lingo anymorez?

Lemme add another holy fuckin’ shit. I’ve been gone almost another year and there’s barely anything new here since then. Is this place dying? Alright then, here’s one more contribution:

This is a book from 1893 by Albert F. Venino
A Pedal Method for the Piano
published by Edward Schuberth Co. in 1893

When I listen to the younger or current crop of pianists, it’s as if the art of pedaling was lost and all anyone knows is “just change the damned pedal every so often.”

Way-back-when, I learned in school many of the pedaling concepts discussed in Venino’s book; other concepts I discovered by experiment or simple accident. When I found this book many years later, it was interesting to read an independent explanation of why various pedaling concepts work; maybe some of you will find it interesting, too.

From what I understand, Mr. Venino was no slouch in his day; after Stuttgart and then Leschetizky, he taught at the University of Washington, Seattle, as did Mrs. Venino, who was also a student of Leschetizky.

Good luck, everyone! Thas’ right, you’s muh fave muthafuckas and alwayz propz to The Great One :pimp: !

No one has any time anymore