wud u zacrifice yo lyf fo yo chozen faith


  • let me think…NO
  • pozzibly, if drunk
  • DAT IZ TRU, I WUD, cuz i iz inzane
  • i cant think of anotha poll option, ignore diz 1

0 voters

:dong: :god:


da FAITH OF DA :stop:

tru i vote for no … cuz im into scat sex


i vote no :doc: :dong:

ahhaha diz poll, revived

have i just said im into scat sex ???

Yes, no way around it anymore. You perv.

haha … tru … da unknown gendah haff zpoken

i don’t believe in much, but when drunk i tend to do any sheeyat… so i went for that

tru, if i waz in a world where da zlownezz n zpeed tiz reversed, i wud haff to betray it but fo da sake of itzelf

o wud i be betrayin it?

mmm da paradox :lib:

“Too much sp**d” :cry: :stop:

hahhahaha, play da 88 zo fazt u take negative minutez n go back in time

diz da ultimate SDC sheeyatz

tiz like da Zen “enlightenment”

of coz no