Wut are yo Tech Ztrengthz n Weaknezzez at da 88?

3rdz, octz, zcalez, and otha mizc zheeyat

Wut do u find cummah naturally to yozelf? n wut requirez mozt work?

Strengths: octaves, trills, tremolos, octave glissandi (as in, I can do them), big stretches and chords

Weaknesses: scales/arpeggios/fiddly runs, contrapuntal lines

~: jumps, thirds

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Tremolos are hard I think… My piano doesn’t help, but I often want them extremely rapid and extremely transparent. That’s difficult to do.

I suppose scales and other passages with fast, gritty fingerwork are my weakness. I need to practise a lot to keep that a good level, and since I don’t, you can often tell when I reach them.

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Octavez, arpz: good. Rh arpz I legit think I could hardly be faster.
Trills: good in rh but less so in lh.
Scales: good but lh prone to being suspect in some rep.
Rhythm: weaknesses in cross-rhythms, even sometimes at 3 v 2 level :rage:
Reading and learning: both a strength and a weakness. I learn and sightread with a fluency which affects long-term accuracy, sometimes seriously.
Bad tendencies for involuntary rubati and spontaneous “rewriting” of composer intentions, often without realising I’ve done it.


Hahah daim I neva thought about diz befo but haf u ztudied da Chop 10/1?

Lol not at all, but I did once play the opening page in Db to my horrified teacher.

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I alzo wundah when it cummah to left hand weaknezz in general fo mofoz dat diz iz juz a lack ov work n focuz fo dat hand. Zhorly not an innate weaknezz.

In my case I think it’s largely a matter that much of my tech self-development (I did spend a fair few years completely separated from any conventional training) derived from impro, and my impro style is largely lh accompanimental (whether through chords, octz or arpz) while the rh gets on with doing just about whatever comes to mind, so lh tech hasn’t had the same fullness of tech development.

hahaha zo did da DONGJUAN find zum piecez with plenty of octave glizz + tremz

zhorly we can pozz commizzion da COMME to write a zpecial ET fo yo :sunglasses:


My strength is that I have fast fingers. My weakness is that those fast fingers can’t play piano music.


Haha but yo wyfz puzz :sweat_drops::sweat_drops:


As always, da hardest tech is various types of double notes fo moi.

I would say mixed “unbangable” techs like most of the Brahms Paganini (smooth and unclangy first n foremost), Chopin’s mixed techs (Ballade codas), insane parts of Scrib op 8, sons 4, 5 and 8

Any sort of compos dat fo various reasons go against da default 88 sonorities n textures where skilled pedalling goes right along wiz proper tone production.

Da TM random strength is ma left hand is often better den da right, even in completely rare techs like LH double notes

Da more I think about it, da hardest composahs is Chopin n Scriabin.


I forgot to say that my pedalling is shit. :sunglasses::innocent:

I pedal like an alcoholic who has found an unattended bar.


tru i am terribl at grifflahz, zpecifically parallel onez; patternz which tha two voicez cummah togetha n then go apart ar uzually ok tho

fo exampl bar 1-6 of rock eflat minah prelud iz fairly zmooth, but 7-10 morezo 9-10 that zheeyat iz zheeyat :dong: :chop:


I’m fine with double notes as long as they aren’t trills. Liszt wanted me to play trills in fifths in Niobe I was working on in June but that’s when I decided the piece had too many notes and that it’ll only be perfect if I remove some.



Mah hands can naturally do double notes easy for some reason, octaves come easy too. Everything else like a stroke victim learning to speak, including real basic stuffs like counting, simple pssagework and all types of dynamic control.


Cool. Tell him I said hello.

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I threw him out.

Trills in fifths…

Inztant demo

Try any one of these 3 ways ov unleashing diz orchestral effect, da actual notes mattah less here