wut do u feel u haf cuntributed to da SDC, communitywize

:cry: i iz pozzibly forgotten legend in sdc, pzozibly

:doc: ahahahha da zhreddah alzo cuntributed to da moz RUTHLEZZ N ZHOCKIN sheeyatz uteruz

ahahahaha da tony zchool newzpapah articlez/reviewz a bit legendary

n randomly da ztunninly fluid campy, bee, 10/4, prick zonz etc tru :kan:

mah rocket op.39 no.1
mah impro
mah Ale angelito pics
mah asn flood in da wud hit it
mah south american representation in da community (And only latin mofo pozz)



i juzt brok ma penis


my sexual modesty.


Iā€™m Brazilian, you fuckah!




u fuckah

u haff one pozt

zuck ma dongah


:blush: hahaha tru

i win but humbly :pimp:

hahahahahahaha fuckfarts


da zepp iz da lest funny n quite pozzibly gay. I still say I win :lib:



fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i feel sheeyat :frowning:

i vil apologize to da zhreddah fo wutevah harzh sheeyat i haff done tru :blush:

