wut do u feel u haf cuntributed to da SDC, communitywize

n hu do u think iz da moz important cuntributahz :lib:

i feel i iz bazically ; da GOD of da SDC, i created diz community, ahaha but godz haf to chill n let deir creationz grow n randomly do itz own sheeyat.

y iz dere kidz ztarvin in africa? becuz god givez uz free will, n free willy 2 wuz a gud zequal :whale:

randomly da fake plaztic iz an unrecognized random cuntributah :rudy:

n da meph iz often a cock, but he iz lyk a nice juicy cock, dat even ztr8 men dont mind zeein, cuz it lookz really nice, n kinda excitin


den derez da fauztzrandom sheeayat, wtf?!

den derez alzo da milf, da kind of nigga u lyk to c die firzt in a movie

den derez alzo da rob :rudy:


hahaha rezpecable :stop:

hahaha n generally in da paz few monthz, da CATZ haf cummah zwiftly :stop: into da elite circle of demonz, pozzibly alzo due to hiz mzn convo guezt ztar appearancez

HAHA randomly I just noticed da GENSUINESS of your avatar


wtf!? da semi-criticsim of da legendary meph 8)

how iz da meph a fuckin cock?

-da Meph


hahahah da :comme: zudden outburztz of CG poztz iz definetly perceived az a legendary move. :kan:


u fuckah

Da ROD wuz one of yo firzt followaz

and if dat iz not nuff

DA ROD iz da legendary homy of da shaga



da volody zhud alzo be mentioned

ahahhahahaha pozzibly tha ? 8)

ahahahahah n da fact dat:

da ROD managez to maintain da MART LEVEL myztic 8)

HAHA da Skepto best contributah pozz??? :ho: :ho: :ho: :ho:

were iz skepto? :blush:

banned 8)

da vladhowrz alzo haz zome inzanely random momentz of CG

wtf…why da hate???


mah contribz:

i haff raised da cg level :comme:

i brought u da words:

DAIM, mildly, barely, fairly, moderatly, da meine kampf, da pollen n da comme pozzibly stole da cameltoe name from me. 8)

so i win

plus i brought u da jaglor n wikid avatarz lyk da legendery bruce

u misread mah name fo first 4 months 8)

ahahahahahah da fuckin zhreddah!!!

randomly an important cuntributah to da development of da fuckin LINGO

zlitely unmatched tru 8)