Wut wud yo Tchaik Comp Prog be?


Hahah iz u allowed to juz pick da TE3 n da a random Chop nuET? :sunglasses:


Since it’s all I know

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Thank god I’ve never had serious career intentions, what dull options.

Herez mine -

Zart C maj zonata facile
Tchaik zeazonz barc
Chop nuet 1
Pimp TE 3
ROCKet 39/2



Tchaik shortest sheeyat I can find
Pimp deathfuck
Thal mozez :inzta-ban:

My fee for even fucking looking at a clazzical era zon is 1k. I could not be less interested in playing something which was only written that way because it was for a totally different instrument to a modern 88.


ahahahahah da COMME prog to promote world peace icic. u cud at leazt pick da GE3 to make it look mo wikid on papah :sunglasses:

randomly i agree wiz da FEZTINMOFO dat clazzikal zonz generally haff ghey zonoritiez dat cud be eazily FURIFIED wiz zum zimple rearrangin

n tru aftah da 200th academik AZZPAZZION

da JURY zhud be ready fo zum zheeyat lyk diz :sunglasses:


AHAHAHAHA FUKCXCKKK! Rezpek diz EPIC unleazh!!!

Da PENIZTIC equivalent of da 4 min mile iz finally vanquizhed! :approved:

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Da undahlyin mzzg I get from zartzonz iz dat da ZART wuz a sumwat twee, reprezzed-:ghey: mofo (fafo??) wiv an eczezz of neuroziz.

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Since when did they allow the Tchaik PC2 as a compulsory option in the concerto round?


ahahahah diz a zumwut ancient rectal unleazh

a bit too much rearrangin n zheeyatz to be cuntzidahed a TRU :timer_clock: cuntendah. i even do da pre coda modulation part in da original key juz out of pure lazinezz or random fakerudy i cant remembah :sunglasses:

but da point iz bazically:

da TREM accumpanimentz in da LH zound much mo wikid when played az RAW CHORDZ, az da PIMP himzelf no doubt wud haff realized az well :sunglasses:

ahahahah da zart clearly didn c da ‘88’ az an inztrument of FURY

back den

in termz of da zound generated

tiz lykly even da 4 zounded much mo MOFO den da 88 (or 69, 72 wutevah) :sunglasses:

Da ZART = proto :wim: in hiz antifury :sunglasses:

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Hahahah tru diz a legendary option

hahaha da whole zheeyat zhud be free prog

do dey expect da winnah to release a bach-brothah-rock cd ? :sunglasses:


Tastes are declining :roll_eyes:

It is relative though. It’s kind of like choosing between Carlo Rossi paesano and Beringer box wine.

Being a “traitah of da mothaland” I’d not apply at all

Da prescreen wud be 100% pass so dat dey can

Detain moi at pazzport cuntrol n throw moi straight into da army fo anal devastation or worse. (Or bettah :tm: )

Mofos would be like “da TM withdrew, wtf”

Yeah right :sunglasses: oh, I pulled out alright.

I’d definitely unleash da bach d min bk 2, op 111, TE8 n Chopet 25-8 combo, tchaik dumka on a digi in jail after getting my asshole destroyed.

N den plan a jail escape n seek asylum in :cn:



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My fee fo even sightfucking da Hamcleavage is $10k

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