y duz da comme hate da MT?

y do u think tru

  • becuz he iz a cock
  • pity
  • jealouzy
  • becuz he wuz bad in bed n refuzed to perform oral
  • becuz he dun rezpec da KAN ZIFF n GOD
  • becuz he haf a 2 foot dong n yet rarely chooze to eva inzert mo den an inch
  • becuz da MT iz jealouz of da comme tech

0 voters


zhorly tiz da lazt option

:stop: da MT 25/12 randomly half comme tempo tru :comme:

fuckk, i envy hiz tech anyways so tiz obvious choice from mah POV.

predicktably da :comme: dun put da TRU reazon:

da MT fucked da poco 8)