TRU da live quazi fauztah pozz da definitive interp
I like da Doc’s studio sheeyat the best. Been a few years at least since I’ve heard it, but I remember thinking it was the best thing he’d done.
Da DOC 39/4 juz legendary. Zumhow every otha mofo dun zound heavy n zymphonic but da DOC zound zo full n orcheztral
Daim I may haf to randomly add
Zum Friedrice Chop Mazurkaz to diz lizt
Alzo by da way da reztriction to 10 wuz arbitrary and juz a ztandard zheeyat but I wud really like to hear da cream ov da crop from all u mofoz liztening
@iamcanadian 'z input wud be appreciated alzo, I can imagine dere vil be a lot ov recz
I vil ztill zay afta all diz tym dat ma fav 88 rec ov all tym iz da ZIFF Pimp polo 1, but diz iz only if I had a pointed to ma head, n dere iz many legendary candidatez
Dat fitszt kancerto dizc fo me
Hahah tru dat clazzic dry crizp yamaha zound
If I could only lizten to one rec fo da rezt ov tym
diz rec - precizely 10 minz ov da ZIFF at hiz moz FURIOUZ n POETIC
da RHYTHM n TONE in diz perf juz abzolutely unmatched
I can’t even decide if diz iz pozzibly ma fav 88 piece ov all tym
Or a zheeyat piece dat da ZIFF bring forth gensui from
Every otha rec iz juz abzolutely unliznable afta diz