yo favorite FEINBERG sonata

daim, I like da NO. 6 alot tru!

I like 5 a lot. There’s a recording by Yuri Favorin that I like a lot.

Sonatas 4 and 6 are great. 2 is so good. I wish there were more recs by quality pianists. The Samaltanos/Sirodeau set is great, but I’m sure they can be done better. Hopefully Hamelin will do a complete set. The ones I’ve heard him in on Youtube aren’t half bad, and a Hamelin set would really help raise awareness of the Feinberg sonatas too.

Feinberg himself has a gud rec of No. 2 8)

I like no. 4, 5 and 6 best. I also like no. 2 and 3 a lot. I also like the rest, especially no 7, 8 and 9.

I have the Samaltanos/Sirodeau recording which I think is great.