zepp ruzhz thru 10/2


:rudy: : “i senze a threat, pozzibly” 8)

hahahah FUCK! a legendary 1’03 sheeyat

:rudy: “mah dayz at tha top iz numbahd”

aftah careful scrutiny, mah concluzion iz az followed:

Moist: 0/10
Speed: 1/10 (skipped too many notes)
Tech: 0/10
Zmooth: 0/10


HAHAHAH REZPEC da 1/40. tiz bettah den da NAz 0/100 from da chopcomp 8)

post anothar rec. i vill give u a negative number.

8) u might be da NA 0/100

That was interesting. But i thought you were going to post da 10/2.

PAZOW!!! 8)

hahahahah rezpec fo da hi ztandardz 8)

hahaha 3 legendary thingz haff to be noticed

da legendary chord holdin tech
da legendary :stop:
da legendary plant

:dong: “i cannot record wizout an audience”


:rudy: : this kid will surpass me someday…

:ho: : what r you talkign bout ,lacked half the notes!

:whale: : HAHAH shut up wannabe DJ

:doc: : impressive tech young man

:pimp: : :unamused:

hahahahah da :stop: beckonz, but da zepp muz chill now. he vil leave u wiz diz panty moiztening clazzic :whale:



mukh resbek

y00r recz be a hjuudz sausage ov inspiration fo moi

n deze vidz be even bettah since da way y00r handz ah movin iz really hilariouz 8))))))))))))))

I’ll give u :dong: :dong: :dong: :dong: :dong: ov :dong: :dong: :dong: :dong:

:comme: :stop:

hahahahah FUCK da LEGENDARY NERD! u iz da TRU TORCH BEARAH of SDizm. i haff juz honahed yo legend wiz a nu topic 8)

re-upload dis sheeyat plz :confused:

We need a re-up and pin diz Topic 8)


diz hiztorical document

quite pozz lozt forevah tru :sunglasses:

n randomly, wut happened to da NERD?

b4 da RIZE of da TRUMOFO, da NERD had by far da bezt MEF-1 of any SDC membah evah 8)


Diz loss of a HISTORICAL document.

Hopefully a Zepp ex GF still has a copy 8)