Zupahztitionz & anecdotal ztoriez/feelingz about piecez

Cuntfezzion -

I iz zumwut zupahztitiouz about CHOPIN’z Funeral March Zonata (2 op35)

It wuz apparently da lazt piece da RACH played befo dyin :rocky: :skull:

And da lazt piece da KAPELL played befo hiz place crazh :flight_arrival: :boom:

Zhare any peculiar feelinz or ztoriez about yo perzonal relationzheeyat wiz piecez

Even azzociationz…I rememba da CANDAIN zayin dat da Zchumann Zymphonic Etudez alwayz givez him anxiety due to him azzociatin it wiz a ztrezzful tym when he wuz takin a lot ov examz :man_student:

Alzo randomly anotha Chopin ztory -

Da firzt tym I heard Chop wuz in a random 5 dizc budget cumpilation and da firzt piece to ztrike me wuz da REVOLUTIONARY etude

I haf zince learned dat diz iz da title becuz ov da Polizh Revolution goin on at da tym

But I originally thought dat it wuz titled diz becuz dat level ov VIRTUOZO ZPEED wuz REVOLUTIONARY in da 88 world :sunglasses:

Alzo anecdotally da firzt Chop Zonata I got into wuz #1 becuz I bought da Idil Biret Naxoz cumplete Zeriez n I actually enjoyed da Firzt zon dat much - it wuz all I liztened to fo a while :sunglasses:

Da HO last song was da Pimp Weinen Klagen Blablagen

I remember completely blacking out alone in storage city and last thing I remember was dancing to fergilicious at the club I was at… song still haunts me when I hear it. I worry did I kill a mofo, was I human trafficked will never know.
