Da :wim: Erlkönig CUMMAH - Inzane zpeed!

I have to say I’m envious of Wim’s music room though. Several beautiful historical instruments, including a fully built in pipe organ. I’d never leave the house if I had something like it here.

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Well obviously he’s not into doing crack!


When will his 20 min zepp cummah? If he thinks he’s representing horses? Oh no, even at that tempo his “tech” (sic) won’t be up to it.

The metronome marking is in quarter notes. The piece is full of triplets. This works perfect with single best theory. In his double tick theory there is one tick per eigh notes. That’s very akward for a piece full of triplets

ahahahah da zepp cuntdemn hiz cumment removal tacticz n harzh perzecution/bannizhment of da LEGENDARYMOFO :comme:

howevah, i ztill REZPEC da WIM becuz

diz a mofo who iz clearly already zet fo lyf

livin in hiz own wikid 88 muezum wiz unlimited fundz to purchaze any random antique inztrument he can find on ebay :sunglasses:

n yet

inztead of juz chillin out da rezt of hiz wikid lyf

he decide to burden himzelf

wiz a mizzion

to revolutionize da 88 world :lib:

diz zheer rezolve coupled wiz a zenze of purpoze

iz wut all LEGENDZ

iz made of



I think of him being a legend in the same way da LEZBO is a legend. Except for da small detail dat, cumparatively zpeakin, da lezbo can play da 88.


That’s right!

Tru, any :zcholah: can turn into a worthwhile business wiz da propah pimping zkillz

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In the literal sense of the word, wim is retarded. ; )


That might be so, but his About Me page tells a rather different story. I really like Wim as a person and wish him well, but the hardest part to swallow with his videos for me is that it all appears to be motivated by desperation not to go bankrupt. Some people rob banks or start a career in forgeing in that situation, and Wim… kinda does too.

I’d actually prefer that to him actually believing this BS.

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Does his house really look like he’s facing impending bankruptcy? :open_mouth:

I’m going to take a cynical position on this unless I’m given a good reason to do otherwise.

It reminds me that da :zcholah: made an attempt to solicit online funding a few years back for legal fees.

Well, I don’t know, I’ve just pieced things together from his ultra commercial youtube behaviour and the blog post he made about his life. It’s a tale of longstanding economic hardship, and he says himself the house was in his wife’s family and that they took the maximum loan the bank would allow them to restore it so they could move in. The work he did himself, while being largely unemployed from what I gathered.

I think they’re living the dream as it were and are very sensitive financially due to their large debt, and that without extra cash they might have to start selling off their instruments and maybe move to smaller quarters which are more in line with their earnings. Neither what he says about him and his wife or his youtube behaviour at least jives with someone who’s settled for life and doesn’t need to work.

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Ok, I’ve not researched it all, as, whilst I don’t mind taking the piss out of him, he’s not that interesting that I’m going to develop a fixation :stuck_out_tongue:
Personally I think we should be getting paid to listen to his rubbish, not the other way round!


I rather enjoy it

I enjoy the comments for unintentional CG.

How Wim is born https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/comments/c21c17/i_feel_stupid_highly_discouraged/

So I picked up the piano again earlier this year after a 10+ year break. Before I stopped playing, I passed my Grade 8 exam and to get back into playing, I thought I’d pick up where I left off with Chopin’s Etude Op. 10 No. 3.

At some point, I got the idea to try my hand at the Black Keys Etude since I felt my fingers weren’t as quick as they used to be. I worked on the piece with my metronome set to 116 as specified and I was feeling OK about it, and then I finally got round to hiring a teacher. When I showed her the piece I’d been working on, she said everything is pretty good but I’m playing at half-speed. Yeah, I somehow never realized that pianists were playing at 200+, which is why theirs sounded much better than mine. I thought I was just that bad at playing the piece. So for the past few lessons, we’ve been working on bringing the tempo up and I just feel utterly defeated. I’m playing it with my metronome set to 145 and I just feel like I can’t keep up. I can’t process the notes fast enough, I don’t even think my fingers can move any faster. I just feel so discouraged now.

Sorry if this sounds very rant-y, but I just had to get it off my chest. Does anyone else go through moments like this or is it just me?


Hahahaha truuuuuuu

Haha 200+. Wim’s disciples are taking over!

116 bpm, 2/4 and 85 bars that’s striking the final note at 1:27 in Chopin’s assigned tempo, which is blazingly fast. Pollini is 1:32, or 110 bpm. The fastest recording I can think of is Gavrilov who does it at 122 bpm.

Ahahaha, da :snail: admitting dat faztah = bettah! Sdc invite cummah, pozz?