Symphony recommendations

ah yes, da Robbah made a tranny of Prok7 iirc.

Randomly - da Bakakirev Tamara is a HUGE HUGE TM fave n also da Rimsky Sadko symphonic poem…

Prok 1 is the one to start with. It’s very catchy and easy to follow. I’ll post a great rec shortly.

Thanks! There’s actually a lot of Prokofiev I have never taken the time to explore. I don’t even know all the sonatas or piano concerti well. Too much music, too little time. I’ll give the Prok 1 a go though.

Prokofiev 6 is completly insane. I saw it live and was actually freightened lol. You should give it a listen, it’s very good!

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I’d love to see Prok 6 live! My fav Prok.

Speaking of which, Nielsen 5 is also scary as fuck. Saw LSO do it and was a metre away from the snare drum player! (Nielsen 4 also a great piece with the waring timpani’s)

To be honest - getting into these works is a huge investment of time and if something doesn’t grab you, I’d move on to something that does.
The key is to foster a passion, and when your ear develops - you go back the the tougher listens and the ear you’ve acquired acts as a masterkey to unlock further works that didn’t grab you at first near the start of your listening journey.

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Hehe, yeah what I take with me from this thread is that symphonies are good.

The challenge will be committing to a small list of symphonies until I know them, raher than sampling from everyhing that’s been suggested. I listened to Tchaik 5 earlier, and it was very easy to understand and appreciate.

ok, bog standard basic rep by era
Classical - Mozart 39-41, Haydn 104, Beethoven 3, 5, 7, 9, Schubert 8,9
Romantic - Tchaik 4-6, Brahms 4
20th - Mahler 5, Prok 5, Shosta 5, Sibelius 5 :cucumber:

Or start small n check out da Liadov Enchanted Lake



Hahaha 1 hour and 40 minutes?

Be right back, gonna check twittah, inztazheeyat n FB :dark_sunglasses:

Too many notes :zart: (Why don’t we have a Zart emoji?)

One of the most melodically accessible Russian Symphs -

Toscanini with an SD perf

Karl Amadeus Hartmann, Symphony 6, the Ferdinand Leitner recording. I’ve heard them all. It’s one of the best & most intense symphonies ever, certainly post-war, and, surprisingly, the Leitner recording is the most strongly expressed. I’ll check if I still have a copy.

oh shit mother fuckers I’ve still got a copy in APE. I recommend this Sym 100%. Amazing work in 2 movements.

Damn that second movement is great. I hadn’t heard this in years and it gets me every time.

Diz mofo haf wikid breakdownz ov wikid pazzagez n hilitez in da 9 zymphz and referencez to influencez etc.

I loves this lecture, especially this part where he inserts early sketches into where they possibly could have gone.

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