Who plays the best Liszt Mephisto Waltz
- Da ziff
- Da Rectum
- Da Ho
- Kissin
- Pletnev
- William Kapell
Whos plays the best Liszt Mephisto Waltz???
If you don’t have any of the above recordings, tell me, and I will post them here!
Who plays the best Liszt Mephisto Waltz
Whos plays the best Liszt Mephisto Waltz???
If you don’t have any of the above recordings, tell me, and I will post them here!
vlad ash pozzibly
HAHAHAHAHA pozt da PLATE n KAP recz!!!
da bezt ive heard iz actually da WU MAN
here is Kapell mephisto waltz
da kApell da Askenazy Wild and I also like da andsnes, but not as mch a the others.
da Meph
i think dat da recyum’s is da best, even though he misses alot of the leaps
Da 2nd comes Da Bear n
da 1st iz by tiz MOFO…by far:
Recorded from da 1st take, wid no editing whatsoevah.
hahahaha, sammy feinberg?
fuck i cant click da link
“I’ll Be Seeing You” - Sammy Fain Centennial
Born: New York, New York, June 17, 1902
Died: Los Angeles, California, December 6, 1989
He was born Sammy Feinberg in New York City and became a self-taught pianist and songwriter while still a youngster. Later he got a job as song plugger and eventually he had his own songs published. During the late 1920s he became known as “The Crooning Composer” because of his singing in vaudeville, radio and records.
Nice try. Close, but not quite. Dats anodah Sammy
Make sum mo research
i haff heard a GENSUI AZZPAZZION finale rec from da legendary one. sumthing lyk a 4’15 sheeyat
da Rectum, no contest
i voted fo the ho
that live recording when he iz old and makez mad mistakes.
however for pure SPEED i have nevr heard ne thing like da LI WANG live
i will try to find a recording
still slower dan da cuda
hahaha howevah, da CUDA iz accuzed of cheating all ovah by da penizwizard
HAHAHAHAHAHA u haf to respec ma skillz
uc when i wrote diz i didnt haf a mouze, n couldnt c da name on da pic link
so i went completely off ma RAW COMPOZA KNOWLEDGE
HAHAHAHA Thierry13, u faukkah.
Lemme see if I cud transfah da rec from an old LP.
haha that would be cool