From an objective perspective, looking at my avatar, I get a strange sense of what kind of women you would think my mum would be.
Would she only have a severed head like this unfortunate nigga.
Or would she be a fucking psycho. I’d say you’re probably real desperate and a fuckin Aussie besides that.
Your life must be a real bitch
Actually, I suppose its a decent effort from someone who’d lose a battle of wits with a bowl gazpacho soup.
However, seeing as how incoherent babbling is the name of your game, I’d ask you to kindly fuck off to pianoforum where you’ll feel more at home. :pianiztimo:
That’s real original coming from an Aussie, but didn’t I just say that about your life?
Maybe you should stick to fucking sheep, instead of trying to imagine what fucking a woman with a severed head would be like
the starting postition of the hand should be very close to the black keys, so the the postition would remain the same when you play the b flat with the 4th finger.
The wrist rotation should be minimized…
if I had a video camera I could film this for you…
I still stand by my comments re Chang and all dat bernhard pianoforum sheeyat being BS.
I only really sorted out my tech from 6-8 hours of practise a day (including 2 hours of scales and Cortot).
Of course I probably wouldn’t have ended up with tha Fleisher sheeyat if I didn’t practise like that, but that’s life.