Da zkep create a pimp-ztyle opera fantazy

Hahaha I wud include da tarantula fo sho. Rh in octz or octz plus thirdz set against continual lh triplet octz running backward and forward chromadickally.

fuckkkk. if da TM wunt da tarantella den da zkep vil do diz, da zkep believe in democracy. have a half-decent method to tranzition frum wun to da othah, uzin da very endin zheeyat frum da lazt vid mah-bad-zelf linked (tiz aktually da movement rite befo da dance of da hourz).

mah-bad-zelf zuppoze it can alvayz be an ozzia cadenza, juzt figure mozt people mo interezted in dance of da whorez dan la gioconda fantazy overall.

Randomly da change in da operadick original from da tarantula into organ totally reminds moi of dis pzzg in a ZZ parasheeyat (timestamped, before he goes all French deathfuck).

tru da lead-in gonna be legit technical oct zheeyat 8)

da repeatah notez zhall floweth

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tru cud haff a couple meazurez pozz, a nice effect homie!

I think itā€™s worth it! Yesss daddy, terrorize moi wiz a TICKLAH

I canā€™t offer any concrete advice on linking the various section into one cohesive fantasy

But Da Tarantulla def could be a finale to da whole parasheeyat?

I donā€™t know why they called them paraphrases if there are usually more than two.

  • Fatty Thoughts

juzt gunna zhorten da chromatic DJ zheeyat n rip about 90" frum da Tarantella bazically. juzt hope it doeznā€™t ztart becummin bloated! but perhapz juzt intro+dance of da whorez wuz inzufficiently girthy?

droppin da Act 3 intro lick az vel if goin fo diz

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My advice is to use mini caddiez as linking pzzgz between separate thematic sections. It might also be gud practice to conzidah da harmonic relationsheeyatz between the various sections/themes: eg as an example do you really want to go directly from G maj to C# min? (I think my a couple of my parasheeyatz arenā€™t always very well thought out in dat rezpek).

Re what works and what doesnā€™t, having a gud dramatic sense and intuition really helps here. Compositional skill only goes so farā€¦

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tranzitionin into n out of da DJ zheeyat not gunna be an izzue zince mah-bad-zelf can harmonically centah it verevah needed, but unzure how to tranny frum da tarantella to da dance of da whorez wizzout it zoundin hokey. not juzt in terms of key zheeyat, but moztly thematically, cuz da dance of da whorez pretty quickly haz a creszendo right away n dun wanna go ztraight back into heavinezz. vil haff to cloze da tarantella wiz crizp zoundz inztead of heavy, n probably lingah a bit on da very beginnin befo da big ztring cresz. current plan iz to uze da little orcheztral lick at 1:44:51 a few timez, makin key modulationz az needed n havin it get mo n mo trepidazhouz/nervouz each tym, reducin da # of voicez, den zmorz it into da main zheeyat. very typical ztyle. fo da firzt harp arpz + ztring ozti intro in da dance of da whorez, gunna den re-expand back out da # of voicez havin juzt a few come in, rezt, a few mo biggah diz tym, etc. diz wuz da original plan, tho zince vil be cummin outta a mo hefty mofo in da tarantella vil probably chill on juzt how much da zkep swell dem, but wanna zorta explode into dat descendin CHOP-ztyle ztring chromaticzheeyat.

alzo juzt to be clear da dance of da whorez ztart at 1:45:05 n NOT at 1:45:29 re da progrezzion n zum previouz cummentz.

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I quite like da general compozitional notion of uzing such small elementz motivically and manipulating them during tranzitional segments, so I approve of dis.

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tru da fatty o vol recently called it KAT-ztyle tranny writin 8)

lazy but zound gud.

defo gunna rip da zkep fav textah frum da Auber at 5:01:


n gonna zteal da Corigliano Etude Fantazy #4 tech wiz da zingle repeatah n da crozzovah arpz fo anothah effect, in da zkep head diz vil randomly zound good wiz a dance rhythm in majah key? Corigliano iz an italian name, tiz a CLAZZY REFERENCIN (not zhamelezz rip-off).

diz wun at 2:08:


dere iz a lot of :ghey: here hidden undah da cluztahz


Yo, dat Auber-Pimp Tarantulla is an absolute masterpiece. I was surprised to see it on an early :ho: concert prog

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dayum wut a cum-worthy :ho: rectal. u cannot do diz zheeyat any mo, da old ladiez wud zheeyat demzelvez in da front row.

drop yo random tarantulaz on moi, wut elze iz out dere? gotta relizten to da szymanowzki n da moszkowzki caprice ezpagnol, but iz dere zum random othah good wunz? lyk henzelt, rubinztein, blumenfeld etc.? obv da Capriccio Italien, maybe vil look at da 4 handz reduction (but da zkep recall it bein lame).

42:39 def da zpot fo da corigliano, juzt puttin diz here to remind mah-bad-zelf

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Dere is diz Liszt gensui:

Da RACH tarantella from suite 2 also is worth looking at.


Hahaha fuck, recorded it 6 times I C

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Yeah, da early HO rep was so insane.

His cuz perf is way better than music

Randomly Czern have a huge nuts fantasy who knew

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da zkep alzo lizten to da pimp-cui n pimp-dargowutevah dat moi had nevah heard of, lezz virtuozic but da lattah had a nice zpot o two. da :chop: da worzt of da lot, wuz good to zee wut an undramatic tarantella look lyk: keepin da main voice on top too much, monotonous LH, not enuff change of direction of da triplets in da top, nevah movin da main melody off da beat, too often in da middle regiztah, not enuff znark or dizzonance, not enuff ornamentz.

da czerny way mo dramatic zumhow 8)

at 1.25x zpeed diz almozt not borin n tiz technically a tarantella:


anothah mediocre wun zufferin frum da zame problemz az da chop, but lezz-zo:


42:54 in da Tebaldi rec iz da Auber texture

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juzt anothah note to zelf: fo tranz from DJ to tarantella, remove da big dezcendin zheeyat leadin into da tarantella in da opera n cumbine da low ztring zheeyat wiz da diabolic motif twice, movin up chromatically da 2nd tym, in da form of da zkepā€™z tritone take frum da 1zt gioconda attempt, den do a huguenotz intro octz in LH/thirdz in RH alternatin azcenzion dat end in a quick, ztrep alt octz fo da top regiztah. uze da pimp polo 2 middle-zec ztaccato azcendin ornament zheeyat fo da flute part

da pre-DJ zheeyat n mozt of da DJ part already written at da keyz, finally ztart inputtin. fuckin hate diz program zo much, really not lookin forward to puttin melody linez + tremz in da zame meazah fo da clarinet zheeyat. pluz zum crozz-ztave tiez, gunna zuck

othah note to zelf: to tranny frum tarantella to prodigo uze da ā€˜tenebreā€™ azcendin middle-regiztah ztaccato chord textah az a final touch to da previouz plan