Damn! Not sure these are legal under all the new abortion bans.
I could try but I can’t say I “like” eggs. They’re just low carb and high protein.
Before this twink era my breakfast was ALWAYS an entire bread roll with butter, cheese, salami and a sugary shit bar, tea with sugar and coffee with sugar
Every fuckin day.
Now, an egg, chicken salad, mayo and unsweetened tea and coffee. Feels good.
@ElGordito you feeling ok?
Yeah zero side effects. Fewer than taking a cold medicine or something.
Not gonna lie, I’m hungrier den usual still maintaining diet (never backing down) while practicing longer hours for rectal n rec session + working (mostly shitposting on here)
Not giving in.
damn bro
Long ass “t*aching” day n hungry AF, gonna eat a proper meal at 9pm but without crazy carbs or sugars.
Gotta fully twink out and get to 115 pounds and fulfill my dreams of getting fucked on the ceiling
resisted overloading on bread (there is now no bread in da house DUH) and had a modest portion of pasta, salad with sour cream for da fat, and pork… plus a clementine.
Damn I could have eaten a whole bread roll with cheese and butter and also an Asian ass and make the bitch’s life a living hell cuz she’ll never compare to my mum
I’m still sticking with this and have been around 115 pounds for a few days.
feels stable.
I decided to weight myself in June. Just eating what i feel now but shot makes it less overall. Super painless way to defat yourself. Hope they stop price gouging fatties in the US for it.
over this diet BS feels good because I’m eating only the good stuff, am actually hungry when I eat, and don’t have a food coma for 45 mins after each meal like I used to when overeating
eggs for breakfast are pricey but whatever. This shit really works and I’m no longer overweight and got way more energy
took less than 2 months
Psyop from big sandwich
AAAAAAAA I would demolish that
Gonna sound strange but it tasted like I was drinking cooking oil and smelled like crayons or old lipstick. This shot takes the food gooning out of stuff, so you just have the flavors. Only salads taste good weirdly. Satanic.
nah it makes sense. Da diet shot makes you taste lucidly
I hit 112.8 (day after recital)… is ok, but optimal weight pozz 114-115
Don’t want to go lower. Otherwise I really might put an ad on craigslist “twink ready to fuck on ceiling. $45”
Yeah your leg was looking a tiny little bit freaky in that recital vid DEF wanna bulk up.
have to research how to workout safely and gain more upper body strength
dun want to get tendinitis from weights etc.
gonna start with squats and work on my ass.
wait this is kinda spiraling out of control. LMAO