Favourite Chopin Work?

My issue with the second is it’s too episodic, but what fury! For the Polonaise-Fantaisie my favourite was Kapell at the Frick collection. I liked Richter and Fiorentino too. I remember not liking Horowitz’s sound, although I’m sure if there were a recording from the 20s or 30s I’d love it.

ZTUPID peniztz like da FRAME play da “moizt” elegantly zo da epizodez contrazt zoundz CG like bad theatah

GENZUI peniztz lyk da :rectum: uze da zlow part az calm before da storm : buildin da tenzion lyk a huge zpring beein comprezzed zo da FURY UNLEAZH iz actually da only logical outcome :rectum: :rectum: :rectum:


HAHAH FUCKKKK TRU da RECTUM own da BAL 2 fo zhor

Fakk, da rectum a violent mofo. Imagine dat dude giving a scolding, fakk me.


REZPEC diz in-depth MART analyziz :sunglasses:

i predickt diz ztylee of playin

vil be da new trend at chopcomp 2020 :lib:

Yes, Richter is the reason why Ballade n.2 is my favorite of the lot.

It’s my least favourite ballade, but Richter’s is definitely the best rec. The later 1960 Bucharest rec is his best one, imo.

4 1 3 2 is my ballade ranking.

I think the 4th has more depth in terms of repeated listens, but no1 has amazing directness and immediacy.

No3 is not far behind at all, it’s a sunnier soundworld and less dramatic but it says something beautiful and I suppose it’s a bit like the 4th Scherzo in that regard.

No2 is the weakest but as shown in the above rec is a masterpiece in it’s own right. It’s a study in contrasts, calms and storms, thrilling when done right, boring when done wrong.

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I actually really love the second one. I’m sick of the others, and honestly I never really liked the 4th as much as everyone else (only one I never learnt).

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I also never liked 4

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That’s partly where I’m at on it. I also simply love the opening. It’s the most hummable.

If I was to rate them as compositions my order would be the same as comme’s, but as to personal favourites it’s 4 2 1 3. I’m really only sick of the first one, and even that not enough to not listen to it (though the playing needs to be good).

Related: Scherzi? There it’s actually the lightest I like best, think it’s 4 3 1 2.

Personal preference -
Ballades - 4,1,3,2
Scherzi - 3,2,1,4
Zons - 2,3,1

4th is my favourite but there’s only one version I like; Earl Wild. No one else does justice to the middle section imo. I don’t like the 3rd except for the coda, I especially hate those cascading figures. I think the middle section of the 1st is as dull as ditchwater. 2 is the Governess scherzo, and everyone plays it badly (bar one or two people). I reckon the least exciting CD release for me would be a 4 ballades/4 scherzi combo. It’s the CD equivalent of a last 3 schubert recital programme.

Which of the scherzi did you play apart from the 3rd?

Right. Now: Preludes. :sunglasses:

Yeh, except I couldn’t be arsed ranking 26…
Although fav is a toss up between Gmaj, F#min and Abmaj, least fav is Bbmaj. That does nothing for me for some reason.

Could do the Impromptus but I really don’t know them aside from 1…

Played 2 and 3. I like the outer parts of 1, but the middle part bores me too. 4 I’ve never gotten into. Although i remember Perahia playing it live and it was light as a feather and insanely fast,

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Yes think it’s Pogo/Carnegie in all of them for me. It’s the equivalence of Richter/Prague in the Ballades, coloured and overpowering but such a ride. Before I heard that it was Pletnev/Carnegie

I’m not familiar with Wild at all though.