der be many talk about da phyzics uv technique on dis ipad called da sdc. iz ere tonight to open a new dizcuzion on da way we develop ourselvez az peenizez. many of da mofos i hear on dis forum have da dexzterity to do anyfing, but da mofoz aint. dis be becauze deyz not got da propah muzeecal conzepts in da mind.
dis not to zay dat mez got it all. i be a mofo like mozt of yall learning new shit every day. me knowz da limitz of me abiliteez and mez not here to dump on anyone, but to begin a dizcussion dat may be enlighteening to all of us interezted. zo iz opening dis dizcussion wif a few general thoughtz dat me hopez you other mofos will expand upon, and we may all come to learn new shit to aid us all in da unleashing of da fury we all got inside.
mozt of technique not be in da hands, but in da mind. da fingaz get eento shape on deir own as a mofo make hees muzical ideas to realeety. when i be a child, me playz many of da exzerzizes diligently, but me made da real progrez intellectually, uzually wif odah repetoire. dis be because me looked at da czerny az a phyzical endeavor. i, and many other mofos, mizzed da point.
in da wtc, for example, it be about phrasing shit, and intellectually grazping multiple voices, and what be hard about a fast prelude not be da finger movement, but following a fazt succezion of notez wif da mind well enough dat the fuckers zound eveen. what me’s trying to say, iz dat most mofos haf da reflexes to play da shit dey want, but dey’s just not gotz da muzical idea clear enough in deir mind. it not be da fingerz’ fault when da notes not eveen, but the mofo heezself.
in da chopets, it be true, dat such bitchez as 10/2 and 25/6 haf da phyzical zide to dem, but mozt, it be da intellecual challenge dat be da bastard to deal wif.
dat not be to zay, howevah, dat der not be somfin to physical fitnez, deegitally zpeaking. a mofo iznt hees badaz zelf when he not be playin shit by da pimp or da rock for a while, unless you be barere or da ziff, and even dem likely feel da differenz when away from da piano for long enuv.
me wants to know what ideaz you mofos have about da intellecual sidez of technique. and by technique, iz talking about making da fucking muzic sound good, which be da bottom line in playing.
how many mofos can play da octavz een funerailles az fazt az da ho? mez done it. it still don’t zound at all like da ho, because the zound–or ideea not be dere like da ho. da doc aint all about fingerz eider. tho da docs reflexez be off da hook, it be hiz cryztaline conception and mazzive senze of muzical architecture da make it da bomb shit dat it be. zo iz wanting to talk about dis shit…diz shit dat happen in da mind.
what be your finkin on:
bazic phrasing
balanzing bof in counterpoint and in textural zituationz
or any shit dat you be finkin about lately.
iz feeling like all you whoz eenteligent enough to write on da fucking subject at hand mozt likely gets da point by now. mez hopin to learn from yall, az well az share me own thoughs on da izzue. i hopez dat da mofos whoz gots da real experience an ability be rappin wif me here, so dat we get zome real fuckin discuzion going.
until den, keep it real, zpec yoself, and mozt important, keep da fury burnin.