Iz da lack ov Black Muzicianz in Clazzical Muzic due to Racizm

That’s a really myopic view point.

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haha da DONGAH da elitezt mofo on da planet :sunglasses:

n if I zay dat all deze Azian mofoz are CULCHA VULCHAz

tiz a cumpliment becuz no otha race iz doin az much to carrion da legacy ov deze great cumpozaz :sunglasses:

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I think it’s like basketball. Once brothers get into it they probably net net better. Look at Jazz. The white brain and skull are too small to handle complex real time processing to be particularly good. I don’t think anybody disagree that the average jazz musician a bit better musician than the average Chinese debutant in a US music school too.



Ahahaha da :dong: can be cuntzidahed “elite” bazed on audience rezponze n da azzz-in-zeatz metric

Howevah he iz nowhere near elite bazed on

reviewz :sunglasses:

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haha u may haf a point dere cuntziderin da moz krittycally praized mofo in UK clazzical magz n radio ova da lazt few yrz iz da fuckin

Víkingur Ólafsson

pozzibly da whitezt zoundin mofo in hiztory

u cud imagine da KKK bookin diz mofo fo deir annual gala :sunglasses:


It was just more popular with western Europeans and their descendants. Nowadays “art music” is an incredibly niche field that attracts a certain type of person. You can think of cultural reasons for its popularity and unpopularity I guess, but ultimately I think it comes down to happenstance.


Ahahahahah :zhredah: :sunglasses:

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The art world has clearly defined rules? I don’t think so.

I don’t know, these conservatories/comps have very rigorous rules. Then again, you can’t really equate dat shit to “art”

I think the number of brilliant African Americans in jazz speaks to me that there can be plenty of strong black classical musicians if it was more culturally relevant to them

In fact, since jazz musicians perform their own works and improvisations, it is easy to say that they are much more creative than the average classical musician.

I mean look at John Coltrane, his music is mindblowing


In da field of ART, cumpared to jazz, impro, modern paintin, cg performance art etc

clazzikal mzik, ie mzic to be played exactly az notated on da zcore where da performahz qualitiez zuch az accuracy, zpeed, rhythm, memorization, rep zize r objectively meazhahable

Iz relatively zpeakin, da moz rule-bazed n objective form of art

meazhable objectivity iz important fo non-privileged minoritiez in makin viable career choicez. Tiz da difference between

  1. a whyt/joo bankah payin 100 million fo a noodlin done by hiz money launderin partnahz 3 yr old kid n givin him da ‘worldz bezt imprezzionzdick paintah’ prize


  1. a whyt/joo bankah payin 100 million pluz 10 yrz worth of da bezt 88 trainin money can buy to teach yo money launderin partnahz kid to unleazh da rocky 3 half-decently live fo a rigged clit cump win

Dat lil bit mo honezty n effort required in da 2nd zcenario iz da rezult of dat extra bit of objectivity :sunglasses:


Why not then just avoid art & musc all together, since it has some ambiguity. Why not stick to hard science, math, medicine. Also, maybe architecture is a better compromise.

Also, not many Joos have dat much money. A lot of asians in my high school had more money than me (my parents). Had all the latest gadgets and cool clothing, etc.

Actually science, especially biology and medical science, is not as cut and dry as most people would expect. It’s hard to avoid ambiguity unless you want to study pure math or logic.

And I really don’t see a connection with classical music being “rule-based” and it being popular in certain cultures. I think the appeal lies more in the fact that it’s historically been associated with “intellectualism” and the upper class.

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Lazt I checked da :nigga: might be da mozt popular music mofo dat evah lived

Zo I haff no idea :dong:

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I studied biology and I know a thing or two about medicine. Relative to the humanities fields, biology, chemistry are rather straight forward (more so than math, even, which requires abstract thought at the highest levels). For a microbio exam, memorize a bunch of facts and there you go. It just requires the ability to concentrate for extended period of time. Nothing is ever completely straight forward.

Why do we call him “brotha”, btw?

Becuz he’z black

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Oh. Right!

Also, why do we call them Black? They’re all different shades of brown. And, I’m not white. I’m some shade of beige-ish/pink.