Iz da lack ov Black Muzicianz in Clazzical Muzic due to Racizm

PoZzibly da curly hair

Which wud mean I’m juz az :nigga: az da :nigga:

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Ahahaha u iz in NYC tru?

average NYC joo networth iz lyk wut 500 million? iz wut I heard from da epoch tymz or zum zheeyat :tm: :sunglasses:

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I see.

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Tru diz cud be lyk 5000 bankztahz wiz 100 billion each averaging u mofoz up :sunglasses:

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I was moreso speaking of the fact that math will always be correct or incorrect, not so much that one requires abstract thought while the other does not. Sure in terms of didactics biology is pretty straight forward; i.e. just learn all the crap your professor puts in the lecture. In biology research or medicine however, I there is a lot of ambiguity in the sense that there is a lot of conflicting information, theoretical models break down, and a lot of things we hold as true are constantly challenged. Especially in medicine where, a lot of the time, there just isn’t high quality data to go off of and you have to rely on experience and conjecture. In that sense it is similar to the arts. You’re always going to know 2+2=4 though.

As a caveat I’ve only learned up to linear algebra, so I might be lacking in this department. I’m sure things start getting weird when you’re working with abstract sets etc. This is totally irrelevant to the original discussion though ha, so forgive me I go off on tangents a lot.

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Because at some point, math, medicine etc also becum OPINION based. Innovative techs are no incorporated right away and one deals with academic CUNTS in every disciple.

The problem is academia. Aka money laundering rapists.

Mic drop.

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Dis iz da mozt sensible thing I’ve evah heard u say :doc: