New Arcane and Unfollowable Transfer / Record Making / Remaster Thread


Randomly where is Pletnev’s we are the world? Possibly rewrite of Shor sonata? Hmmmm

Wait no! Nucracker arrangement. Yeah def.

Man I bet da Poon 24 prels still gonna better den da BS plate recently “played”

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It would be hard for her to sound that bad. What if karmically she end up replacing preludes with Shor sonata or Khachaturian’s music? I better chill on the burns.

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We call them ‘dead cats’ over here.

Goth af juz lyk da feztin improz :latin_cross: :skull:


Cat people lobby probably shut that term down here. Def raised enough money for a woke warrior to buy a boat I’d bet.

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A proud moment :pimp:


Lav test of me saying poon. Plosive test I guess.

These lav mics sound good with speech but are pretty noisy and shitty. Its gonna be what its gonna be tho. I probably need to spend some time learning about how electret mics work to see if I can bypass their preamp style circuitry now that I can raise levels with 32 bit instead.

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aaaaaa man… idk I’d click on a Poon yellow dress ShorZon

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Who’s the youngster you got to say Poon?


Yeah… lav mics suck. They are supposed to “cut through” but just sound like ass. Curious if they work without crunchy preamp sound. Will test how they sound without plugin power, or if they work at all!

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The sound coming from the mic is good. I’m just being an a-hole.


Naw looking at the lav mics they rumble somehow so you gotta take out the bass. Its weird sheeyat. It isn’t too different than a turntable rumble.

Aren’t there forums where bootleggers talk about their gear and methods? I was sure you’d studied them thoroughly by this point.

They use small directional 48v lavs that cost mundo bucks. Usually wired into glasses and hats. Brew’s were about as good as that approach can sound. I favor mid - side which really puts you in the hall and has fewer phase issues than an AB stereo pair of directional mics.



The ultimate pirate would be to wear the binaural in ear mics I have in front of me but I’d get asked to leave right away. They are not even a bit covert lol

Also unless you shared my ear shape it would sound strange. Just like headphones don’t perform the same on every set of ears, that problem basically happening on the way in.

Don’t worry. Nobody is going to be expecting anyone to pirate such a nonentity as poony.


Hmm I should go for a walk with those binaural things in. See how it sounds in my headphones spatial wise.


This is me stepping outside through my front door spinning a bit ( my neighbor looked preplexed btw) then going back in and running the faucet while I look side to side. Damn my gas heater loud.

Listen to this in headphones if you want to know the studio industrial complex has been keeping form ya’ll.

Won’t work at all outside headphones as heads up.