New Arcane and Unfollowable Transfer / Record Making / Remaster Thread

Idk we might be better off adding pixelation back in to Suzu’s uncensored films made for export

Yeah doing a whole movie poss melt my computer. The moiseiwitsch took a few days. Might be diff when back in seattle tho. Had an RTX something or other in the home machine. This taking a super long while cuz I gotta do frame interp to fix some weird color blurring.

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It errored out trying to do higher framerate. Meh… here is the 25fps upscale tho. Imagine it twice as smooth and with less chroma smear on her arm flapping. :sunglasses:

mart production truly adverzarial :sunglasses:

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That’s the TRU Yuja rep


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Anybody have connections at UCLA? They have minty version of this stuff in their Philip Kahgan collection. The tube vids basically turned into blobs when I tried doing stuff with it cuz google is woke, I believe.

Proof very HQ transfers exist.

Actually they probably dun need tinkering with. Someone with a real channel should put that stuff up.

I got ogdong dialed as FUCK! Should finish cooking by weekend if computer doesn’t catch fire. Here is a still of a frame from sample test.


He really play this with conviction. I forget bro full hallucinated demons and slashed his neck. This subject matter a bit not imaginary to him poss.

Not as alarming is this tho!

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Youtube cut quality a lot on audio and video but still cool. Some of his better playing.

The motion blur is a bit exaggerated, no?

Has to do with the pull down in the OG kinoscopes from TV source not kino to DVD framerate which would be correctable. In past I tried wholly reconstructed but it looks like a video game and smearing still there just spread across more info. I do that approach in Cziff galop for instance.

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We are probably just a few years away from AI object recognition and persistence mapping fixing this stuff. Meaning the algo will know that’s his hand and its geometry / how it moves through space and could reconstruct the entire data set in each frame based on that instead of just smarter versions of interpolating through frames it dun know are clean or not.

Going to be sick. Randomly I could see a world where you can go watch casablana etc/ in modern photorealistic versions etc.

People aren’t going to leave their houses by that time. Everyone will constantly be wearing something like Apple’s Vision Pro.

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For stills we have already have very good AI Object recognition…down to stray hairs. It isn’t absolutely perfect, but it’s getting better all the time.

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On vision pro front I dun think I’ll buy any of that stuff until varifocal versions come out and they get better at lenes for those things. You can put the nicest displays in the world in there but until the glass matches like putting a shit lens on a cam with a fancy sensor.

288p compressed tube vid from 17 years ago cummah.

Og version

Version I mess with. Colors wiggle around a bunch so def a VHS source on top of it. What a shit format.

Man…. I remember 144p vids. :man_white_haired:t2:

Anything below 480 or that has been raped by compression too much dun work really.

Yes me too! And those seemed fine back then

I recall needing to downloading 6mb clips of the porn star Ivana Fukalot back in the day

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Make diz better plz :slight_smile:

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