New Arcane and Unfollowable Transfer / Record Making / Remaster Thread

Looks like ass but that is exactly what Soony release

Ooh I’ll still check it out. Maybe can get damage in higher res :sunglasses:

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here u go

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I have zero meetings scheduled today. It’s wild lol basically getting paid to loaf around like a ceo or something.

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yeah working is a waste of life

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Been reading about pull downs and duplicate frames in standard consumer sources. Topaz has a filter that was supposed to throw them out but I learned it doesn’t work at all so they still fuck up all the interpolated data. Explains why frame rate doubling I tried mostly looked like ass and generally was a bust.

Apparently if you run FFPEG decimation filters you can throw out the extra frame before interpolation.

I can only do a minute or two vids on this weak ass laptop but gonna test following using stuff so I don’t lose my mind from free time.

  1. Dropping a 30fps DVD back down to 24 film source after tossing extra frames
  2. Doubling to 60fps after tossing extra frames.

This won’t do shit for old TV stuff based on how kinoscopes photographed their screen source, but anything from film (in a non raped source) might look sick as fuck.

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Gonna wait until I get the better sources in for anything fancy but here is example of monkeyed on files from Tru’s shared VOB He look like a matisse here and there but most of it turned out pretty nice.

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Yeah, the in focus bits are sharper, but diz a bit strange

Both those are interlace problems, where the even and odd fields from adjacent frames are incorrectly combined. Bit of a fucker to fix.

Back in the day (i.e. c.2004) I used Avisynth to do this, it was pretty cool.

pozz da fatty might like to investigate to experiment with de-interlace methods. dis iz a bit mo modern than avisynth, but does de same ting.


Yeah seems like it is possible to create the illusion of sharpness but if the data wasn’t recorded to begin with all da up scaling is guesswork

Now if you have a good quality 1080p source and upscale to 4K, it typically works great

But a sheeyat source with tons of compression artifacts won’t do

Get back to me when we can generate brand new Suzu footage out of thin air


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Yeah I’m curious what’s up with the Blu-ray and dvd versions when I get them. Hopefully it’s just a badly deinterlaced rip and not something weird up the chain.

we need bluray suzu


Blu-zu format probably existed and was killed cuz it was better.

Gonna pitch correct the tatum vid. Realize I forgot to noodle on audio there whilst learning about the the tedious and boring video sheeyat and comment remind moi. Not gonna clean it tho cuz it sound find noise wise.

It have pitches now



With that tight wave and lightning fast scales mos def. Fixing pitch really made a big difference.

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Did Tatum smash da Billie Holiday?

Yeah and I bet she told him she was hot.