Schubert vs Schumann Fantasies

That’s almost hilarious

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That splicing truly sucks.
I’d think that could be smoothed over in a modern remastering.

Randomly :plate_with_cutlery: totally nailed the leaps in his live Carnegie concert that I attended.

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Yep. That’s how to ruin it!

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Excessive splicing ruins sum good recs.

Case and point: pretty much anything recorded by da Lezbo (and harshly da :rose: ) is spliced bar by bar and has a certain deadness to it.

This might not be a popular opinion, but if you need to edit your rec in 15 second snippets to make it hygienic, den you iz not ready to rec dat shit anyway and certainly you’re not making any sort of artistic statement with it.

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Amen, but yo engineeah iz :stuck_out_tongue:


Tru, editing is expensive as fuck.

I never edited even one of my recs and certainly won’t start now.

Just reading the liszt can’t play this stuff. You forget he played carnival live early on and people were like what is this horrible shit… He wrote about it but I forget details exactly. It was something along lines of Audiences had a filter over their ears for Schumann’s geinz

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Liszt could play all his insane early stuff, dats already pretty epic.


All my studio ones ARE edited but bar by bar sheeyat certainly not going on dere. I don’t mind editing, as I view it as improving the final product, but the couple of pieces I really had to hack troublesome sections together on have put me off heavy editing quite seriously. In fairness they were fucking difficult passages and I just couldn’t nail them under limited time (ie one hour max per piece).

That’s genius level bad. How on earth is the background so different either side of the splice? Completely different sessions? The mind boggles.

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It is almost impossible to set the sound up the same way in sessions even hours apart. Humidity levels and other factors all affect the sound.

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Ahahah i refuze to look at diz zong until one of ma ztudentz zadly decide to learn it :sunglasses:


I’ve done next day edits (same 88, same mic position) and there is no way on earth I could fuck it up as badly as that splice. I’ve not put headphones on but it’s honestly like a completely different session, the noise profiles sound different even through phone speakers.


Tru. :cry:

Also, imho but of splicing before a well-known HARD SECT is needed, perhaps it is better to actually start the splice like 30 seconds earlier.

Otherwise it really will present a marked change of character etc and just become a tacked on hard spot that you KNOW the mofo cannot execute in concert.


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Time for another Dear Mr Lezbo lettah :sunglasses:

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Nope. Asshole did not respond to my Orage Inquiry.

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The sea sick rhythm bothers me more than the notes.

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Luckily da Horowitz playing 1966-1968 is nothing like da 1965 return rectal



You mean for the Horowitz? Agreed, it feels like he wants to throw up but doesn’t know when

In terms of harmonic structure it’s supposed to be like a chorale, not a La Campanella jumpfest