Tchaikovsky Symphonies (complete) - Jansons

Symphs 1 & 2: … 2.rar.html

Rest of them:

Ripped at 192kbps as .ogg files.



p.s. any problems with the file labelling, let me know coz i will want to correct my own.

I’m gonna download some of this - I have all of them except CD4.

Also, I’ll try to get the legendary Svetlanov set up tonight. Nothing like Russians playing Russian music.

do you want me to UL CD4 on its own?


Gruffalo, this is great stuff! Many thanks for sharing these. :smiley:
Btw, Chris: Do you know if Mravinsky also recorded the first 3 Symphonies? I’ve got only nos. 4-6 with the Leningrad Sym.

tiz a gud rec

i jus bought it along w/ da schnabel

you a manly mofo for uploading this.

bestow you respect i will.

Nah, thanks… I got it alright.

Ariescaces: i’ve only known about the 4-6 rec, though it’s certainly possible that 1-3 exist somewhere.

Serious respec for this

respec fo dis. i only haff da Gergiev recs. :smiley:

next will be the jansons shosty boxset. soon, hopefully. i wonder if he will record a complete mahler set. i know hes got a mahler six, but im after the complete sets these days, i dont see the point in spending money just for one symphony.

Dude, respect - so far, Jansons’ Shostakovich boxset is my favourite. Even moreso than Kondrashin and Barshai.

FUCK. this symphony no.2 is mad.

ahhhh thanks for this

6 is magnificent

quite something isnt it?

Serious Respekk! I’ve been wondering about these-- would it be difficult to repost? Big Tchaik fan here.

I think that nobody could be better than Mravinski for 4,5,6. I’m curious if Mravinski recorded ever nos.1,2,3?

i can repost on wednesday eve. im goin away for four days for mah birthday :smiley:

Mavrinsky did perform the first three, but did not perform them in the last 2-3 decades of his very long tenure in St. Petersburg. (Leningrad, if you insist) Unfortunately, they were not recorded, unless they’re buried in the russian vaults somewhere from radio broadcasts. Just like the goldmine that the US orchestras and many foreign ones are- read Howard Shanet’s history of the New York Phil and discover how many incredible performances they have recorded in their archives with soloists, which are rarely released.

Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony is one of my favorite works. I heard an early recording of Mengelberg with the Berlin Philharmonic and was astounded by the impassioned intensity which almost trembled and crackled with life. It is a highly individual reading with great liberties in the phrasing and timings, but mostly quite convincing, I thought. I listened to it over and over. Mengelberg made a tragic cut in the 4th movement, tragic in the sense that it removed the section with the most pathos in it. The section has a mighty struggle of fateful forces and is extremely vindictive and insistent. To remove it seems to destroy the entire context of the movement! I also like the recording that Szell made for Columbia. He doesn’t make the cuts. I’ve also enjoyed that very intense late recording of Celibidache on a rather difficult-to-locate EMI release which I picked up in Vienna. The slow movement takes on epic proportions and is emotionally visceral. Mravinsky is of course powerhouse and classic, but I think there are other readings that are even more effective. I just bought the recording of Dutoit, which has fine playing from the orchestra but I find the interpretation quite standard upon initial listening. I hear great things about the Gergiev from friends and reviews but have not yet bought it.

There’s a really intense early Celibidache rec too. I think I like it better than his late rec.