tony competition repertoire

randomly, planning to do diz
i need 45 min of any rep

pozzibly diz

Haydn Variation in f minor

Liszt TE 1-6 8)

Messiaen Vingt Regards 10-12 (Premiere commusheeyat, la parole, noel)

your opinionz? suggestions?

hahahah rezpec da TE 1- 6

even tho diz mizzez core SD TEz zuch az da WILD RAPE n EROTICA


dun embarrazz yozelf wiz a ztunninly fluid ff 8)

yes, those te’s are a good choice.


wtf’s ur problem, fake plastic???

get the sand out of ur vagina!

100 postz in lyk 2 dayz to get access to da reztricted threadz :wink:

provide him a vacuum.

lmao at da kritty response…

and wut r da restricted threads???

btw, how do i get access to da brothel???

sorri i couldn’t help myzelf

so… :tm: :tm: :tm: :tm:

wtf i iz confuzed…

if tiz a free chioce of sheeyatz n no obligasheeyat clazzical i zuggest

  1. TE 10,11,12
  2. vingt sheeyatz 6-10


im sho yo internal SDC :stop: vil allow u to git thiz done in 45 minutez 8)

ahhaahahh da rob, da VINGT REGARDS 6-10 FUCKKK BIT TOUGH

opus clsvicembalisticum at sdc speed :bar: :stop:

-da Meph

Liszt TE #4,5,6,11,12
Messiaen Vingt Regards #6,11
Ligeti L’escalier du Diable
Ravel La Valse

tiz a legendary suggestion but it zeemz a little unbalanced wit no classical or baroque

tiz a tru sdc suggestion.
now be da time, tony, to zhow wheah yo tru allegianz liez.
maybe you juz tell dem dat you play mozart an bach, but den juz whip out da big dick sdc sheeyat ven dey leaz suzspec.
yo fury den scare doz mofos judging you, and dey giv u da gold out uff fear.

I agree…dats wut da :ho: did in his Rach sonata for graduation…


Bach-Brahms Chaconne for LH
Liszt TE #5, 6
Messiaen Vingt Regards #6, 11
Ravel La Valse

…should meet the time limit too.

You gotta wave your mofo-rep in front of the judges just like your motherland waves missiles as the Bush administration.

Use the cold war style MAD ideology, throw in a nuclear L’escalier du Diable for kicks.

ahahahaha u iz a moz legendary nu membah tru 8)